Page 65 of Irresistible Rogue
“I could hear it in your voice. You’re considering it.”
“Considering what?”
“Having sex with him.”
“What?! No.No.Just the idea of screwing Shane is—”
I stiffened as the awareness that a man was standing right the fuck beside me and probably heard every word I just said crept over me. I turned. Make that two men. Two handsome rock star men.
Danica’s husbands had just arrived.
Ashley smirked at me while Matt dragged another table next to ours. “How’s your brother doing, Jolie?” Ashley asked me.
I instantly turned magenta. “He’s not my brother!!” Did anyone else hear me say Shane’s name just now?
“I heard you kissed him,” he said bluntly. “Didn’t know you also wanted to screw him.”
“Danica!” I whirled to her.
“Sorry! You know I tell my men everything.”
“They don’t judge.”
“We judge a little,” Matt said. “But only to make you squirm.”
Cocktails. I needed more cocktails, right now.
“I guess the official term is stepbrother,” Ashley added, as they settled in.
“No, the official term is divorce. As in, I’ll be petitioning Danica to divorce you if you don’t shut up right now.”
“If you guys had babies,” Matt mused, “what would that make them?”
“Nothing!! Because we are not having babies!!” I knew my face was hot pink, rivers of sweat were pouring down my underarms, and I hated my entire extended family so much right now.
Danica welcomed Ashley, who’d sat down next to her, with a kiss.
“Where are all these men coming from?” I cried, as Joss Ellis and a friend of his came to say hi to Dani’s friends at the far end of our table cluster.They were all coming over here and sitting down.“Do you all not know what ‘ladies night’ means? Or perhaps ‘bachelorette’ party?”
“Chill,” Dani said cooly, like I was hyperventilating for no good reason. “Oh look, he bought you a drink.”
I bit my lip, hard, trying to look normal as Shane walked up and put a fresh margarita in front of me.
I said not one thing.
Unfazed, he sauntered around the table to say hi to Matt and Ashley. I wasn’t even sure if they’d officially met yet. For all I knew, Danica’s husbands had been partying and bro-ing with Shane while I was out of town, you know, since their beloved Danica was about to become related to him.
I needed to die, right now.
Shane wore a dark gray T-shirt that clung to all his lean muscles, jeans with shredded thighs and Converse high-tops, and looked like he fit in far too fucking well with Danica’s men. I did not like it.
But Dani was right. I needed to chill. No one was even paying attention to me right now.
Everyone at our table was talking and when I looked around, it was disturbing how many people in this place were groping each other or making out. It was almost closing time and the vibe was way, way too hot in here, the music thudding through the bar like we were all shuddering on the brink of a collective orgasm. Somehow the night had devolved from ladies’ night with Lady Gaga into a full-on penis invasion as Doja Cat basically fucked some guy with her lyrics.