Page 70 of Irresistible Rogue
Shit.I walked right into someone. I heard the little bloop of my text sending as I looked up.
He looked over his shoulder. And turned right around when he saw me.
I recoiled. I’d plowed right into him when he stopped at the curb to wait for another crossing light.
“Jolie.” He looked surprised to see me, of course. He didn’t know he’d picked up a stalker.
“Uh, sorry. I was just texting…” I glanced down at my screen as Alyssa’s response came in.
Alyssa:Saturday thigh what?
Crap. I’d typedSaturdaythighinstead ofSaturdaynight. Autocorrect had probably fucked me. No time to fix it now. I shoved my phone into my purse.
Shane was staring at me like he was waiting on some explanation.
“What?” I snapped. “It’s a public sidewalk.”
“And you just happened to walk into me on it.”
“Yeah. So?” Thank God it was nighttime because I was turning pink as I floundered for some excuse.
“And you’re right behind me because…?”
“Hey, I was just meeting up with a friend. Is there a coffee shop around here?” I looked around and thank God there was. “Oh, there it is. Well, have a nice night.” I started walking but went nowhere because he’d closed his hand around my arm like an iron shackle.
“Stay right there.”
Tingles ran up the back of my neck at the sound of his low voice. He was bossing me around. Again.
I turned on him. “Excuse me?”
“Meeting a friend, huh.”
“At a coffee shop a block away from my place.”
“Is that a crime or something?” I tugged and he released my arm. But I didn’t leave.
“Which friend are you meeting?”
“None of your business.”
“You’re a terrible liar.”
Okay, so I was busted. “Well, I guess I’m not as practiced with it as some people,” I bit out.
“It’s easy. Like this. I don’t want to fuck you right now. You should go home.” His eyes were locked on mine.
I stared back at him.
And all the stuff he said to me at the bar tonight crept through my mind.
You’re very cute.
It’s hard not to want to please you, but I try.