Page 10 of Heart to Heart
“You got that right,” I muttered as I turned to walk backward a few feet, scanning the woods behind us as we made our way back to the road.
“Do you hear anything? I don’t. I probably just got spooked by leftover horror movie vibes, or maybe I heard an animal. I don’t usually freak out like this.” She let out a deep sigh. “I mean, I’ve hiked the Pacific Crest Trail by myself. I’ve crashed in a lot of sketchy places over the years and staying out past my bedtime is my favorite thing to do. But, damn, tonight was weird, it reminded me of—uh, my accident.” She grabbed my hand and held it tight as we continued up the hill toward my place.
“What happened?” The question was deliberately open ended. She could tell me about her accident or what had just happened.
“Have you ever felt—? This is going to sound so stupid...” Silence loomed between us. I got the sense she was still embarrassed as I observed the tense lines crossing her face and she avoided my eyes.
“I’m not going to push you to tell me anything. But keeping stuff inside is never good. Listen, I would never judge you for being scared. It’s dark as hell out here—spooky, too. Plus, Luke won’t shut up about trying to find Bigfoot. That has to be embedded in the back of your mind somewhere, right? I got the feeling it’s been a long-standing obsession of his.”
A laugh burst out of her. “Oh lord, yes, ever since we were all kids, he’d have us following grids all through the forest out here trying to find traces of him. I can’t believe he’s not over it by now. And, okay, yeah, you’re totally right about keeping things inside. But let’s talk about it when we get to your place. When I’m not covered in mud and freezing my ass off. When we can lock the door and look into the woods from behind a closed window, preferably with you standing next to me looking all mean and threatening.”
“You got it. I can do mean and threatening.” I entered the code to Luke’s gate to let us onto the property, shutting it firmly behind us after we passed through.
She looked up at me with a small smile. “Don’t forget sweet and protective.”
“Never. Those are my top two traits. I’m also relentlessly charming. It’s pretty fucking irresistible, isn’t it?” I teased to lighten her mood. I couldn’t stand to see her scared.
Her eyes shone bright in the pale light of the moon as she tried and failed to suppress a giggle. “You are completely and totally riddled with charm. God, Liam, how? I’m laughing in the dark when only moments ago I was terrified and about to pee my pants in a mud puddle.”
“It’s a gift.” I shrugged lightly and returned her smile. “Come on.” I offered my arm, her smile turned shy as she looped hers through mine with her hand clutching my bicep.
“I hope you have tea. Or coffee. Ooh, hot chocolate!” She bumped into my side as we walked the distance through Luke’s property to my place. “I’m about to raid your fridge so hard. But I’ll restock it, I promise.”
“I have all of those.” I grinned down at her. “And what’s mine is yours. I make a mean breakfast too. Are you hungry?”
“Starved. Running through the forest like a bat out of hell took it out of me. And that doesn’t even get into the emotional disarray my brain is in. I’m scattered and starving, Liam. I need to eat my feelings real bad. Thank goodness one of us can cook because all the restaurants in town are closed at this hour.”
We made it to my porch and reluctantly, I let her go to unlock the door. “I got you covered. Are you in the mood for sweet or savory? Bacon and eggs or pancakes and maple syrup?”
“Would you think less of me if I said both? And what are you doing with maple syrup in your house?” She poked my abs with a laugh. Goose bumps scattered over my skin as I shivered involuntarily beneath her brief touch.
“Hey, I make banana pancakes and maple syrup is natural, okay? I hope you’re not opposed to turkey bacon.”
“I love it. And I’m only teasing you. You know that, right?”
“I know.” My voice dropped low. “Don’t ever stop.”
I heard her quick intake of breath as she looked up at me through her lashes. “I don’t think I can.”
“Good.” I’d intended to tease her, but the gruff growl in my voice betrayed me. There was so much more I wanted to say right now, but I refrained. Forcing my eyes away from her gorgeous silhouette in the dark, I opened the door and stepped aside to let her in first, praying I had enough control to keep my ever-growing feelings to myself.
Ipassed through the front door, curious to see what he’d done with the place. I hadn’t been here in years, not since I was a little kid and me and my siblings were dropped off to play with Luke. He flicked on the light, and I flinched against the glare.
How had I forgotten he was shirtless?The sight of him chased all the residual fear from my forest flashback out of my head and I was glad. I didn’t want to think about it anyway.
My mouth ran dry. He was built like a dang statue; The David had nothing on him. Broad shoulders and a chiseled chest tapered down to an impressive set of carved out abs. He was perfect from head to toe and wearing a pair of cut-off gray sweatpants and sneakers. Then he turned around to lock the door and I gasped. He was covered with scars. They traversed the planes of his back in a patternless story of pain. Some were small, superficial, and already faded pink, like little ribbons. But a few were raised and still an angry red.
“Oh my god, your back.”
He whipped around to face me. “I’m okay. It’s healed.”
“Oh, Liam...”
“Shit. I’m fine, really.” He started to back away but stopped when I reached out.