Page 14 of Heart to Heart
“I’d offer you breakfast but...”
She patted my cheek then sat up. Amusement flickered in her eyes as she met my gaze. “Do you have coffee? That’s the one thing I can make and not screw up. Violet is my teacher, after all. I learned from the master.”
“I do. Everything you need is in the cupboard near the sink. Have at it.”
“Don’t move, I’ll bring you a cup. I know how you like it.”
“That, you do.” I sat and stacked our dishes from last night.
I heard her bustling around the kitchen. Soon enough the smell of coffee hit the air as it began to fill the pot.
She came back into the living room with her hair coiled into a low ponytail flowing over her shoulder. I missed those wild sunbeams that had covered my skin only moments before. I guess the little world we got lost in together last night had disappeared in the light of day.
“I’ll take those.” She collected the dishes and dashed back to the kitchen, returning a few minutes later with two mugs and a smile.
“Thank you. Do you have to work today?” I allowed myself one look at her long, gorgeous legs as she sat on the couch next to me. She must run a lot; they were sleek and toned to perfection. The memory of having my thigh in between them shot straight to my cock and I grabbed a pillow to cover myself, resting my arm across it to hide my reaction.
“Nope. Violet misses the shop so she’s opening this morning. I’m going to check out Gram’s old bed and breakfast. I assume Luke told you I’m opening an apothecary store with her?”
“He did. Congratulations, by the way. I think you’ll be great. I’m running the project—scheduling, permits, ordering what’s needed, stuff like that. Owen is due to start the demo at the end of the week. Luke said you were okay with it, but—”
She waved a dismissive hand in the air. “Ew, Owen. It’s fine, it was so long ago. I can’t believe I was ever engaged to him.” She seemed okay, maybe a bit annoyed.
“Are you sure you’re okay? I’ll say something if you’re not.”
“It’s ancient history. Well, my feelings are ancient history. His wife is still determined to make me look like a combination of runaway bride and heartbreaking slut, though. But it is what it is. Luke feels sorry for him because they were friends when they were little. Plus one of his kids is in Dylan’s class. I get it, it doesn’t bother me. Luke is just a big softie.”
“I’ll be keeping my eye on him. Let me know if he steps out of line.”
“I will. And look, I’m not as nice as Luke. If Owen didn’t have, like, a million kids to support, I’d tell Luke to fire his ass and get someone else. And don’t let get me started on his wife any more than I already did. I’m not above being petty when someone has crossed me.”
“It’s not petty at all. Your family is too nice,” I muttered over the rim of my mug. “Ididtell him to get someone else. In fact, I told Luke he should fire him. He’s not a nice guy—there’s something off about him.”
She shrugged. “I’ll be okay. Owen and his bullshit are the least of my worries. So, what are you up to today? Work? I’ve missed you at the shop, you know.”
“Yeah? Work has been crazy. I’ve been having coffee early here at home. Uh—”
Her hand went to my knee. “I get it. I wish—never mind.”
“Tell me.”
“I wish I wasn’t such a mess, is all. I make bad choices, Liam. I always jump into things I’m not ready for and end up screwing everything up. I don’t want to do that anymore. It’s hurtful. I want to be better. I mean, I have a plan and I’m taking steps and I’m, um...” Smiling, she threw her hands up, with a sharp-edged laugh. “How do you get me talking like this? One deep, growly, ‘tell me’ and I start spilling my guts. Like I’m compelled to do anything you want me to.”
I raised an eyebrow. If she were really compelled to do what I wanted, we’d be down the hall in my bed and I’d be buried inside her sweet little body right now instead of having coffee on the couch about to say goodbye for the day.
She flushed and I wondered if maybe my thoughts were obvious. But for once I wasn’t sorry about not hiding it. I felt like the door that had been closed between us opened last night. Maybe it was just a crack, but it was big enough for me to get a peek inside and see the possibilities.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m just sitting here.”
“Just sitting there. Sure, okay,” she grumbled. “You’re sexy in the morning and I think you know it. All gravelly voiced and rumpled up. Your hair is so cute all scruffy like that. I liked the buzz cut but this longer look you’ve got now is stupid hot. Damn it! Look at me. Spilling my guts again.”
“Well, you’re a ray of sunshine in the morning, and gorgeous too. AndIthinkyouknow that,” I teased.
Her cheeks flushed pink. “Hell yes, I am. My grumpiness is adorable, everyone says so.”
“It’s true, you’re completely irresistible.” It was taking every ounce of my willpower to keep from attempting to seduce her. To flatter and charm her into my bed with me, or hell, to lie her down on the couch, spread those long pretty legs of hers apart, and beg her for a taste of what had been warming up my thigh all night—
Stop it.