Page 20 of Heart to Heart
“It’s kind of a law, isn’t it?” Lily held up a hand using her fingers to count down. “One, you’ve recently returned home to your small town. Two, you’re fixing up a run-down inn with our nosy and adorable grandmother to turn it into an apothecary store—that’s like double points, an inn and a store, don’t you think?”
“Oh definitely,” Rose agreed. “And three, her contractor is a super studly, yet somewhat fragile military veteran who is emotionally available, good with his hands—”
“I love this so much! All of it.” Lily, losing what was left of her subtlety, clapped her hands together. “They’ll be engaged before we know it. Do you want to shop for bridesmaid dresses after we have coffee?” She tugged on Rose’s arm with a huge grin.
“Shut up,” I mumbled, trying not to laugh at their ridiculous antics.
“When are you moving into the inn, Holly?” Rose didn’t wait for an answer before blabbing to Lily again. “She’ll be locked outside in a towel, or caught in the rain, or some other mildly dangerous and embarrassing thing he can rescue her from soon. It’s just a matter of time.” She shoved a finger in my face. “Get ready for it. The Hallmark laws of small-town living definitely apply to this situation.”
I bit my lip as I remembered my mad dash through the forest the other night. “Seriously, you guys. Stop it.” I couldn’t let them find out he’d already rescued me from my self-induced panicked jog through the woods.
“Holly, tell me one thing,” Lily looked me dead in the eye and I couldn’t help but smile at her beaming face. “Have you noticed the lovely flecks of gold in his eyes yet?”
I turned red, I could feel the heat rise over my cheeks. Of course I’d noticed. Liam had the most gorgeous eyes I’d ever seen. Deep brown with long dark lashes, and yeah, the gold flecks were mesmerizing. I could stare into his eyes all day, damn it. “Oh god. Will you two give it a rest?”
“You’re fine, honey. Don’t pay them any mind. Leave your sister alone, girls,” Gram scolded.
“Too bad he doesn’t have a cute kid,” Violet joined the madness. “Or maybe a dog or a cat. That’s the one thing missing in this scenario. Something adorable we canoohandahhover.”
Lily’s phone pinged with a text. “Oooh, it’s him. Perfect timing. Almost like its fate or something.” She winked broadly at me and waggled her eyebrows.
“I thought we were in a Hallmark rom-com, not a fated mates paranormal,” Rose grumbled. “It’s not fate if you text him, Lily. You are such a cheater.”
“I don’t care! Fate wants what it wants, and I want this to happen so I’m taking the actions needed to get this show on the road.”
“This is perfect,” I joked. “Let’s switch to paranormal. Maybe some demented fairy king will sweep in and abduct me. I need someone to take me away from you three lunatics and I think I’d look good in a crown.”
Violet raised her hand. “Hey, no way. I’d like to be recognized for my non-lunatic contributions to this conversation.”
“Oh, come on,” Rose laughed. “You know you love us.”
“Of course, I do but you have got to cut this shit out. I’m trying a new thing. It’s called not jumping into something I’m not ready for.”
“And that’s good,” Violet soothed. “Right, you two?”
“You’re on the right track, sweetie.” Gram interjected. “Listen to Violet.”
“Yeah, but—” Lily protested.
“There is no ‘but,’” Vi insisted. “We all know Liam’s your boy, Lily. It’s like you’ve adopted him or something. It’s nice, but also kind of weird. Isn’t he older than you?”
“I’m protective,” she defended herself. “So what if he’s older? He’s like a little brother to me anyway. I don’t care if it makes sense or not. I want him to be happy and I acknowledge that I’m a bit pushy today. But Holly, you two are perfect for each other. You have to know it’s true.”
“Lily, I know he’s amazing and wonderful and I like him—a lot. But I’m a mess right now and I won’t pull him into that. I need to get settled, get my store going. Find my place here in Sweetbriar again. I still feel like I’m drowning most of the time, and I won’t pull him under with me. I’ll end up screwing everything up like I always do, and he deserves more than that.”
I held a hand up. “I’ll be the first one in line if he’s still available after I get my shit together, okay? I know how awesome he is, trust me on that.”
“God, you’re being so responsible and making so much sense,” Rose grumbled. “Fine, be an adult. Boring,ugh.”
“Um, thank you?”
“No, this is good.” Lily shook her head. “You’re totally right about me, I’m pushy and nosy and want everyone to be happy. I get it and I’ll back off. I swear, I will. But it’s too late for today because I already texted Liam to meet me here. I’m really sorry and I promise I won’t push anymore. You’re right, you deserve to move as fast or slow as you want.”
“Well, thank you—”
“Plus, Luke might be a little bit mad at me. Well, not mad. He doesn’t getmadat me. He thinks I need to mind my own business when it comes to Liam.”