Page 70 of Heart to Heart
She shuddered as she came apart and I grabbed her by the waist before she could fall, helping her back into the seat where she collapsed back in a sweaty, panting mess. “Did I make it up to you?” She turned to me with a sly, cat-got-the-cream smile spreading across her face.
“Yeah, baby. You did.”
“Let’s get out of here. I want to see Cheddar. And maybe fuck you in the shower before we go to bed. Another first time!” Joy lit her eyes then we both let out a breath when a car sped past us.
“That was too close.” She laughed. “Let’s go home.”
A deep feeling of peace entered me as I looked into her eyes. “I like the way that word sounds coming from you.Home.”
“You like that one? How about this one—forever.” She took my hand and kissed the back, then held it for the entire drive back to my place.
Everything since coming home to Sweetbriar had felt big—big life changes, big events, and the biggest love I could have ever imagined.
I had never been happier. At one point in my life, today would have qualified as the biggest day. But since falling in love with Liam, nothing would top the night he told me he loved me.
Today was the grand opening celebration of my store. Holly’s Apothecary was officially opening its doors and I was beyond excited.
Mom and Gram helped me decorate the shop after we got it stocked full of my creations. The shelves were filled to bursting and backlit with tiny spotlights Liam had found online to surprised me with. Gauzy curtains in shades of green and yellow that Gram had embroidered with tiny flowers and herbs now graced the windows to give the place a moody glow. We went shopping at an antique store in town and purchased several crystal chandeliers which Liam had hung throughout the space. They cast everything in glittery shadows. It was serene; it was homey; it was even a little bit witchy in here.
For the grand opening, we’d decided on a classic tea party theme. Mom brought over her silver platters and tiered cake plates, and we filled them with tiny sandwiches and treats. My kitchen had been upgraded—everything was commercial quality now—and we were free to open up a tiny tea shop in the dining area beside it. We replaced the big family dining table with a few little round ones with mismatched chairs surrounding each, while black and forest green checkered tablecloths covered them. They were topped with pink peonies, while candles I had made flickered next to the flowers.
“Look at this, Holly. Just look.Youdid this. Never doubt yourself again, honey.” Gram bustled in from the kitchen carrying a tray full of cookies, which now had swinging doors just like Violet’s Café to keep it separated from the rest of the shop. She placed the platter on the battered dark wood buffet table we’d found at the antique store. I watched her eyes get misty as she trailed them across the shop.
“It’s all us, Gram. It’s time.” I headed to the entrance, propping the steel door open so the pretty paned glass door in front of it closed us in. “Here goes nothing,” I said and flipped the sign from “closed” to “open.”
People arrived little by little throughout the day, sometimes in big groups, and sometimes one by one. Gram found a spot to knit in the seating area I had envisioned for people to relax in, which was perfect. I’d wanted her there to set that welcoming tone so people would see that they could stay awhile and not just drop in to shop. My mother was behind the cash register so I could mingle and talk to my customers.Because I. Had. Customers. People were buying my stuff, just like at the festival. Though it felt surreal at first, I quickly got used to it.
Today would definitely be making the top five of Holly’s Best Day Ever list.
When it was nearly closing time, Liam arrived with Cheddar and a few boxes of his things and headed upstairs to unpack and get the cat settled into his new home. Tonight would be the first night of our co-habitation and I couldn’t wait.
I felt like a grown up.
I felt like a professional.
And with Liam and Cheddar here I also felt a bit wifey... and I freaking loved it. I should really learn to cook more than meatloaf and mashed potatoes. Whatever, I had time for that. I had time for everything now that I was home, and safe, and happy, and finally dealing with my crap like an adult.
I had planted my roots deep in Sweetbriar again and I was never going to leave.
Levi and Jude showed up in time for dinner and I smiled when I realized I could take care of them for a change. “There’s loads of food.” I pointed toward the kitchen. “Get plates, get comfortable. Welcome to my shop!” I all but shouted at them as they laughed and headed toward the food.
My excitement was reaching the danger zone and was about to boil over.
“We’ll start cleaning up and putting the food away, darling,” Mom offered.
“Thank you. I need a system for this.”
“You have time to figure it all out, sweetheart. Don’t worry about a thing for tonight.”
Jude and Levi had gone upstairs to sit with Cheddar while Liam ran out to pick up a pizza. I was about to be alone with Liam and Cheddar in our new home with a pizza and all the happiness in the world.
Then Jared showed up, striding through the door like he owned the place with a bouquet of red roses in his hand and a bottle of wine tucked beneath his arm.
“I’m here to offer my congratulations. Right before closing time, is it? Maybe we could share a toast together? To your beautiful new store.”