Page 23 of Change of Heart
My eyes slammed shut again.
Screw dinner.
Ding! Ding! Ding!
I drew my head back. “Cade—”
His eyes blazed into mine. “Damn, Charlotte.”
“That was...”Amazing and probably life altering.
He took in a shaky breath before smiling at me. “I promised you dinner, didn’t I?” With a reach behind himself, he shut off the timer.
“Oh yeah... dinner.” I swayed, off balance at the sudden loss of his lips on mine. But slowing things down was probably a good idea. I hadn’t expected to walk into his kitchen and straight into the fire.
“Go sit on the couch, baby. I’ll bring you a plate.”
Finally coming back to my senses, I teased him to lighten the heavy mood we had stumbled into. “I hope it’s not mac and cheese.”
“I know better,” he teased back.
“Can I help?”
“Sure. Grab the wine and glasses. In the cupboard—”
“Above the fridge, right?” I raised an eyebrow.
His lips tilted to the side in a grin as he nodded.
“The kitchen may be a little different, but your organizational skills are still the same.”
“Old habits die hard, I guess.” He bent and removed a casserole dish from the oven and set it on the stove. “So, I made lemon chicken. I know it’s basic, but I think I’ve finally perfected the recipe.” He was sheepish as he stuck a bag of rice into the microwave. “I have not yet perfected rice, however.”
“Hey, microwave rice is one of my staples, along with Marie Calendar meals and canned soup. I’m not gonna judge it. I haven’t perfected anything except ordering take-out. Pizza is my specialty.” I grabbed a bottle of red, the wine bottle opener, and two glasses and made my way to the living room. I kicked off my boots and sat on the couch, tucking my legs beneath me.
Even though it was different here and we had both changed so much, it still felt like I was home, like I’d never left. It was almost as if the years hadn’t crept between us, and we were back where we once were. Tears filled my eyes, with a sharp inhale I brushed them away and attempted to regain control of my emotions. Every part of my being had suddenly become desperate to make this work with him. My heart was a twisted mess of anticipation in my chest as I poured the wine and waited for him. I had no idea what would happen next; it was terrifying and exhilarating all at the same time.
Chill out, Charlotte.I poured a glass of wine and attempted to relax.
He entered, set our plates on the coffee table, then froze as he sat down. “I’m sorry,” he blurted.
Surprised, I turned to him with my glass of wine halfway to my mouth. “For what?”
“Uh, I didn’t set the table. I didn’t put out candles or flowers.” His head hung. “What was I thinking? I just served you at the coffee table like it was ten years ago. Shit, I should have taken you to the Riverview Grille or someplace nice—”
“Stop. I love it, I swear. This is comfortable and cozy and I’m so happy I feel this way with you right now. Please don’t be sorry, Cade.”
“You don’t think I’m a tool for not taking you out on a real date?”
“I swear I don’t. This is perfect. I love it, Cade. We’re far beyond dating anyway. I mean, look at me. I’m not wearing shoes, my feet are up, and you even have my favorite wine. I’m good. I love everything, I promise you.”
Relief suffused his features. “Okay, I believe you, but next time we’re getting fancy at the Riverview and I’m buying. Now, taste the chicken and tell me what you think.” He cut a piece from my plate and held it aloft to feed me.
I opened my mouth to take the bite, then shut it with a giggle. “This is funny.”
His mock frown made me laugh harder. “Take a bite or I will turn this fork into an airplane and fly the chicken into your mouth like I do for Calla.” Calla was his niece. His younger sister Lily was her mom. I’d met her at Violet’s a few weeks ago, and though she was adorable, it had made me sad. Because if I were still married to Cade, I’d be her aunt.
“Not gonna lie, I kinda want to see you do the airplane noises. I will also acceptchoo chooandvroom.”