Page 28 of Change of Heart
He reached between our bodies to pinch my clit, then pressed his thumb against it to slide it in circles as he pounded rapidly into me. That was all it took to send us both over the edge. We stayed like this for a minute; him buried deep, cock still pulsing as we caught our breath, panting against each other’s mouths as we came down. He kissed me quickly, then brushed my hair back with his eyes smiling into mine.
“Damn, Charlotte.” He gasped as his chest heaved from exertion. “Let me take you to bed.” We both gasped as he slipped out of me, then stood to pick me up and carry my limp body up the stairs, which I appreciated because I had definitely lost the power to walk. My legs were jelly.
We reached my room where he set me down gently and kissed my forehead. I stepped into the bathroom to clean up. I found him lying in my bed when I came out and immediately went to join him, snuggling into his side as he flipped the covers over us. “Let’s go to sleep, Charli. We’ll talk tomorrow. Okay?”
“Yeah, Cade. Suddenly, I’m exhausted.”
“Same. Night, baby,” he whispered as he pulled me tighter.
Despite not knowing where we stood and having not resolved anything with him—other than the fact that we could still fuck each other into a mindless oblivion—I fell asleep easily. He felt like warmth and familiarity, like safety and home, a fact that disconcerted me seeing as how by this point, we’d been apart in this life more than we’d been together.
* * *
I woke up alone.
The storm from last night was nothing but a memory. The sunlight through my window belied my mood, casting me in a light I could not feel. I blinked against the glare and sat up, grabbing the robe at the foot of my bed to cover my nudity.
Where did he go?
I got up, shivering against the chill in the air. Despite the sun, it was still cold, and I hadn’t turned the heat up last night. I descended the stairs and headed to the kitchen. The aroma of coffee greeted me, and there was a note near my coffee maker with my ring sitting on top of it.
“Work early. Talk soon.”
Cade could be succinct, but that was ridiculous. The writing didn’t even look like his either. Did handwriting change over time?Gah! This sucks!
I poured a cup, trying to keep my feelings under control. After the night we’d just spent together, that was all he had to say to me? He hadn’t even woken me up to say goodbye.
I shuffled into my living room to sit by the window. I sipped my coffee as everything we did came back to me in a wave of both mental images and bursts of physical memory. I was sore in places that had not been been touched in a long time—my nipples still tingled from his fingers and mouth, I was tender between my legs, and my thighs burned like I had run ten miles last night.
My cheeks heated as I recalled the words he’d whispered in my ear and how he had remembered everything that would turn me on the most. He could still drive me out of my head, make me let go of everything and just feel. We’d made love as if we had been transported to the past, as if our bodies had known nothing of the pain we had caused each other when we separated.
When we were still married, we’d often gotten caught up in each other’s bodies rather than working through our differences with words. But to be fair, we only had one real problem, and that was time. I needed time to go to college and chase my dreams and he didn’t want to give it to me. Waiting for what he wanted was not Cade’s strong suit.
I watched the glittering snow fall out of the trees as it melted. I knew he didn’t trust me. The hurt left over from when I left Sweetbriar still lived inside of him. Maybe it would never go away. Could I be with someone who didn’t believe in me?
Regret burned through me. It had been way too soon to get physical with him. My confused feelings were now tangled up so much I worried I would never be able to sort them out.
“I’m just saying, maybe you shouldn’t have had sex with her yet.” Rose plunked a plate in front of me. The scent of bacon and eggs wafted into my nostrils, making my mouth water. “Getting physical too early in a relationship will make you both get twitchy and insecure. Like, your bodies are all in, ready to fall in love, but your brains are still stupid with doubt. Ask me how I know.”
“I don’t want to know how you know. Please don’t tell me. And who says we had sex? Don’t make assumptions.” I folded a piece of bacon into my mouth and dodged my know-it-all sister’s eyes.
Her left eyebrow tipped up as she filled our mugs with coffee then sat down in the chair across from mine at her kitchen table. “Yeah, because you always show up at my house at six in the morning smelling like Charlotte’s perfume. Give me a freaking break, Cade.”
Trevor kissed the top of her head as he entered the kitchen then stole her mug, sipping it as he crossed to the stove to fill a plate for himself. “Don’t bother arguing with her. It will be fruitless,” he remarked.
“Fine, okay, I agree it was too soon but we—sorry, but I can’t talk about this topic with you here, Rose.”
“I get it. I know it’s weird for you now. Trevor and I are married, you two are partners. Whose secrets get kept? Whose get spilled? Who even knows?” She shrugged and stuck her tongue out at me.
“Let’s not forget the fact that you live in Gram’s house,” I added. “Which is pretty weird. I can’t imagine being in her old room with a woman. I don’t know how you two do it.” Trevor had rented our grandmother’s house when he moved to Sweetbriar and now that they were married, they were in the process of buying it from her.
“It’s not weird for me because I have no memories associated with this place—and just saying, we do it the normal way,” Trevor quipped. “Most of the time, anyway.” He winked at Rose over his shoulder, and she turned bright red. I was glad she was happy, but this was the very definition of too much information. I was beginning to regret stopping by.
I chuckled in response and shook my head.