Page 38 of Change of Heart
“My place?” I turned and tugged him along with me as I stood. “Right now? Is your truck at Holloway’s? We can move it to my driveway.” Instead of following me, he pulled me toward him with a hand at the back of my neck and kissed the hell out of me.
“We really should have just gone straight to my place,” I mumbled against his lips, smiling when he chuckled and grabbed my ass.
“You got that right. Let’s get out of here. I’ll make your favorite breakfast in the morning. I’ll even bring it to you in bed and eat you after you eat it.”
“French toast! With that whippy vegan cinnamon cream cheese you always stuff in the middle? And maple syrup? Wait, what was that last thing you said?”
He burst out laughing. “Only my sweet Charlotte would get distracted by the promise of food over the other promise I just made her.”
“Oh no, I’m pretty sure I heard you right. You said you’d go down on me after bringing me breakfast in bed. That’s, like, every woman’s dream. No takesies backsies. It’s a done deal.” I slid my hands up his hard chest and cupped his cheeks in my palms with a huge smile on my face.
He bit his lip. “God, you’re too much. I love it.”
I grabbed his hand and spun us around in a circle before finally finding the way out of the park. He laughed as I led him behind me, jogging across the street to the parking lot.
One quick drive across the street and we were in her driveway. I was ready for her. I’d been ready for another night since I walked out of her place after leaving that stupid note.
“Stay here.” I ran a hand up her thigh, giving it a gentle squeeze at the top. “I’ll come around and open your door. I haven’t forgotten about your slippery porch.”
“Such a gentleman.”
“For now. Once we cross through the front door all bets are off.” I wanted to get inside her again. It was literally the only thing I could think about since she said yes.
That was bullshit. Ialwaysthought of her, even before she said yes to me tonight. Even when I had been with someone else, Charlotte’s face was all I could ever see.
My heart was turning somersaults in my chest and the feeling that I would die if I couldn’t be with her pounded itself into my head.
Our night together had been pure magic. I’d been riding the high until I realized leaving her naked in bed at the crack of dawn was an asshole rookie mistake and rightly began the process of beating myself up over it. This was my chance to make it up to her. She had to know I’d grown up over the years. That I had changed, and was a better man now.
Quickly, I dashed around to her door. Instead of helping her down and holding her elbow to guide her to the porch, I picked her up and carried her. It was faster, debatably safer, and it definitely felt good to hold her close. Her squeal of surprise didn’t hurt either.
“Cade, don’t ever stop.”
“Stop what?”
“Being sweet. Remembering everything. Taking care of me. Damn it, I’ve said too much, like usual...” Clearly embarrassed by her words, she tucked her head against my chest to hide her face.
“Hey, look at me. I won’t stop, okay? I can’t. And I love that you feel this way about me. That morning had me rattled. I know I hurt you by leaving and I didn’t mean to. I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay,” she breathed.
I let her slide down my body once we reached her front door. “If you change your mind and just want to talk, it’s fine. It would be totally understandable.”
“See? Taking care of me. It’s kind of irresistible. And I haven’t changed my mind.” She dug through her purse for her keys then let us inside. “Damn, it’s cold in here. I’m sorry, I thought I turned up the heat before I left. I’m pretty sure I’m losing my mind.”
“The deadline for your book stressing you out?”
“Among other things.” She tossed her purse to the counter and hung her coat on the hook by the door. “Ugh, my neck is killing me.”
“I can help with that.” I followed suit and hung my coat next to hers. “Turn around.”
“Ooh, yes please. Your massages are the best.” She spun around and dropped her head forward.
I ran my palms over her shoulders, sliding them up to her neck. “You’re not so bad yourself. I remember yours too.”