Page 7 of Ghost Dick
Yet the biggest and most important question is clear and unanswered: What the actual fuck is this place and how soon can I get the hell out of here?
Closing my eyes, I take a couple of deep breaths in and out. My heart rate slows from the insanely fast pace it was at from moments ago. Opening my eyes, I look around the well-manicured graveyard once more. A cool breeze blows past me.
Harper was right. This place is peaceful. But peace won’t give me the answers I need.
I’m coming back here tonight.
The sun has set.
The night sky has arrived.
Anxiety thrums through my body in anticipation.
After the minor stroke I suffered in the graveyard, thanks to the bombs of encrypted information Harper dropped on me, I snuck back to the house.
I had to be sure that Joanie didn’t catch me. If she had, there would have been no chance of me sneaking back out there this evening. Once I made it back into the yard, I scanned the windows, not seeing any sign of her.
Rushing into the house, I made my way to the main grand staircase. Before making it up safely, Joanie walked out of the library at the front of the house.
“Dinner is in ten minutes. Wash up. Don’t be late.” Is all she said to me as we crossed paths.
Miserable bitch. She will get hers one day.
* * *
Dinner was uneventful. We sat in silence in the dining room, on opposite ends of the longest dark wood table I have ever seen. A deep purple tablecloth ran the length of it, lined with unlit candles and surrounded by tall, dark chairs. Just like the main entrance, a chandelier hung from above. Joanie made us roast and potatoes, though I’m sure she put something in my portion. Probably trying to kill me with rat poison, so it looks like a natural death. I’m on to you, Joanie. Two can play that game. Don’t try me, bitch.
I don’t have any evidence of this, but I wouldn’t put it past the old broad.
After excusing myself, I went back up to my room where I am now, waiting for the right moment to go back outside.
The small lamp on my bedside table is on while I lay here in bed, staring at the ceiling, waiting for Joanie to go to sleep. Her room isn’t in this wing. That much has been made obvious to me. No hearing the door shut or her footsteps walking past the door to give me a hint on how much longer I must wait.
Maybe I’ll make that a mission for tomorrow, but in the meantime, it’s a guessing game I hope to win.
Checking my phone, it’s been hours of mindless scrolling, and it’s already after midnight.
Fuck it. I’m going. There’s no way she’s still up.
Sitting up against my pillows, I begin to move to the edge of the bed when a cold chill moves across my body. It’s not cold in the room and I’m in a black hoodie with matching leggings and black converse.
It doesn’t make sense. Unless it’s just this drafty old house.
Just as I am about to stand from the edge of the bed, my breath is stolen from me. It feels like something is wrapping itself around my throat, squeezing it tightly. I try to gasp for air, but instead, all I can do is cough, hoping even the tiniest amount of air is able to slip by to help me. My hands reach up, trying to grab at whatever it is restricting me, but nothing is there.
Then, as suddenly as it began, my body is thrown back to the bed where it bounces on the mattress. Tears fill my eyes as I gasp for air. The tightness is gone. My chest is heaving and I’m rubbing my neck, trying to make the feeling of phantom hands disappear.
Before I am able to comprehend what just occurred, my hands are thrown to either side of me and the tightness is back.
This time, my body is lifted off the bed. The pressure is too much. I bring my hands back up to my throat, desperately trying to fight off whatever is doing this to me. My legs swing in the air, trying to stop whatever is happening.
Nothing is working.
I try to gasp for another breath that I will never get, and my body slams violently against the wall. My head bounces off of it, and the lamp and bed frame shake from the impact.