Page 52 of King of Country
But I can’t help but think about Kyle’s words at dinner.“You’ll have to hand out a lot more noes than yeses.”
And for the first time, I wonder if I have what it takes. If it will be as inspiring as I’ve always imagined scouting new talent would be. Assuming I ever get the promotion, of course.
“Ooh!” Ella scooches her chair a few inches closer. “What’s your job?”
“I work for a record label.” I glance at Kyle, who’s talking to the guy he’s sitting next to. Again, I have no recollection of his name. “That’s why I’m here. To, uh, go over a few things with Kyle.”
Ella’s eyes are wide and surprised. “You came all the way from New York just to meet with Kyle?”
I nod. “He’s a valued artist at Empire Records.” Not a lie, but the words taste strange on my tongue.
A woman across the table guffaws. At first, I think she’s laughing at me. Then, I watch her lean forward and aim a mischievous smirk at Kyle.
“Hear that, Spencer? Sounds like you’re a big deal.”
“Just as shocked as you are, Julia,” Kyle replies, his gaze briefly colliding with mine.
I break eye contact first, right as Maggie arrives with the drinks.
She sets a glass filled with amber liquid down in front of me. I lean forward, carefully sucking off the thin layer of white foam before taking a tentative sip.
It’s better than I was bracing for. I think the last time I had a beer was at a Fourth of July barbecue I went to last summer, and this tastes less bitter and more citrusy.
Julia leans forward and holds out a hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Piper.”
“You too,” I say, shaking hers.
The warmth of the laughter surrounding me and the cold beer in my hand relax me some. I’m not sure what I expected from Kyle’s friends, but it wasn’t this welcoming atmosphere.
The second beer goes down much easier than the first. By the time Maggie sets down my third, I’m actually enjoying myself.
Ella and Julia are curious about New York, pelting me with questions faster than I can keep up. The rapid pace makes it impossible to think. To second-guess. As soon as the women pause in questions, someone suggests dancing. I’m buzzed enough to be the first to nod.
I glance at Kyle between sips of beer. He’s still deep in conversation with the guy next to him.
Based on the chatter I picked up around the table, I think his name is Hudson. The woman beside him has a casual hand on his knee. She leans forward and says something that makes both of the guys laugh.
Deep down, there’s a spark of what feels a little like disappointment. Since he saved my drink order, Kyle hasn’t said a single word to me.
The woman next to Hudson suddenly stands and waves. The whole table turns to watch a brunette woman walk over to us. She’s tall and willowy, her brown hair cut to a shoulder-length bob. The strands fall sleek and straight, unaffected by the humidity.
“I’m so sorry,” she says. “I got lost. All the roads look the same here, and I still have no cell service.” The woman glances around the table, her cheeks reddening when she notices we’re all looking at her. “Hi, everyone.”
Immediately, I sense a fellow outsider.
Hudson’s girlfriend bounces over to her, giving the brunette woman a big hug. “I’msoglad you made it.” She turns, presenting the newcomer like a game show prize. “Everyone, this is Natasha. Natasha, this is everyone!”
Natasha blushes and waves.
“Morgan keeps talking about you,” Ella says. “It’s so nice to meet you, Natasha.”
Natasha nods and smiles, her cheeks still flushed.
I should be thrilled to have another stranger show up. Joining an established group is always awkward. And it sounds like Natasha is as unaccustomed to Texas living as I am.
But any goodwill disappears when I watch Hudson stand and take Morgan’s seat, pulling his girlfriend down onto his lap.
“Grab a chair, Natasha.”