Page 12 of One Night Forsaken
“Be back with your order soon.”
She spins on her heel and strolls with ease back toward the counter. The couple starts to follow, but I don’t miss the “that was weird”comment from the woman.
Now, I find myself more intrigued. Intrigued by a woman who was brave enough to invite a complete stranger back to her home but now seemingly fears what people will think if we’re seen in public together.
Again, does she have a boyfriend? My gut still says no. If anything, she seemsanti-boyfriend. So why the show?
I shift in my seat and home in on her. Study her body language and facial expression.
Eyes downcast, she taps on a screen—probably entering my order. From across the room, I note how hard she bites her bottom lip. The occasional bounce of her frame as she shifts her weight. How she twirls the loose apron strand around her finger, again and again, like she did at the table.
Nervous habit.
The couple approaches her and she immediately brightens. Dashes around the counter, yanks the woman closer, and hugs her with severe enthusiasm. They share smiles and laughter for a moment before the man steps closer and hugs Lessa.
Although the couple is clearly together, the moment he hugs Lessa, a ball of fire expands at the base of my sternum. It twists my gut and steals my breath. My eyes lock onto her and refuse to look away until he releases her. My pulse whooshes behind my ears and robs me of sound.
The second they step apart, the frenzy in my chest dissipates. The erratic rhythm of my heart settles back to a steady pace. And I suck in a breath to alleviate the burn in my lungs.
“What the hell was that?”
Happy as I am to see Mags and Geoff, now is the worst possible time.
Most of the time, Mags is off in her own world when Geoff is with her. Still in the first year of their relationship, Mags and Geoff live inside their own foggy love bubble. Doe eyes and frequent touches consume their daily lives.
Bliss bubble aside, Mags is still perceptive as hell. She sees and hears things most people miss. As a counselor at Statice, a youth center for minors who’ve lost parents, those traits are essential. She would never judge me for my choices, but the idea of her seeing me with someone when I haven’t dated in years makes me twitchy.
She wouldn’t belittle me for how I live my life, so why does telling her I hooked up with someone make me nervous? My fingers toy with my apron strings then drop them. Mags knows my tells. Knows when I keep secrets. And each atypical move I display is an open invitation to ask questions. Uncomfortable questions I am not prepared to answer.
Highly doubt she thinks I am celibate. I flirt with the best of them. Dance with whoever is willing when we enter the Black Silk nightclub. But she has never asked about my dating life. Ever. And maybe that is what makes my skin crawl under her scrutinous gaze.
The longer she stares, the more I see the growing list of questions.
She may not ask me for details in front of Geoff or paying customers, but she will ask. Save them for girls’ night. When it is just me and her and Lena. Girls’ night is when she will release the floodgates, and Lena will join in. Tag team me into divulging my secret sex life.
“Who is that?” Mags tilts her head in the direction of my nameless one-night stand.
“Didn’t catch his name. Don’t think he’s from the area.” I shrug and put on my best uninformed face. Whether or not she buys it is anyone’s guess.
“Hmm.” I don’t like the sound of that, but before I question it, she moves on. “Geoff and I wanted to say hi and grab a bite before the concert.”
Since the centennial celebration, the quaint town of Lake Lavender decided we needed more festivities. Annual activities for adults and children, young and elderly, fun and noteworthy. Festivals, concerts, free movies in the square, and tons of food gimmicks. In the off-season, the small events have more of a kinship vibe as the townsfolk gather. It’s a wonderful way to stay connected as a community.
I love the endless list of activities. My business loves the occasional opportunity to cater some of the events. The town of Lake Lavender is always good to its citizens and small business owners. We pride ourselves on being a small-knit community, a family. We all look out for one another. Share the love and lend a helping hand whenever possible.
Although Mags is too invested in looking out for me at the moment.
“Glad you stopped by.” I hug her again, then return to the working side of the counter. “What’s tantalizing your taste buds this morning?”
Mags looks to Geoff in a silent plea to order first. He kisses her forehead then smiles as if she is the reason the earth rotates.
“I’ll take the Fluffed and Stuffed with bananas, scrambled, and fruit. Also, a hot Heavy Hitter.”