Page 53 of One Night Forsaken
A hand goes to my stomach while the other covers my mouth. Tears prick my eyes as my belly cramps. Without effort, the laughter continues to bubble to the surface. The more I laugh, the harder it is to stop. After the past month, I need this release. This catharsis. This means to expel all the pent-up emotion festering beneath the surface.
“Sorry,” I get out between fits. “Not laughing at you.” I press both hands to my belly and try to take a deep breath. “Things have just been…”
“Shit,” he answers.
My laughter dies down. “Yeah.” I nod. “Things have been shitty.”
“Sorry I left the way I did.” He looks off to the side. “My head was a mess.”
Inching closer, I reach for his hand, take it in mine and give it a little squeeze. “And now?”
His jaw works side to side. He swallows and swivels his head until our eyes lock. “Still a damn mess,” he confesses just above the music. Warmth paints my skin as he cups my cheek. My eyes fall shut as his thumb strokes the line of my cheekbone. “Which is why I’m here.” His breath coats my lips. “To let go.”
I almost miss the last three words, but they ring loud and clear.He needs to let me go.
The thought should make me happy. Should set me free. Should bring me some form of comfort.
Instead, pain stabs my breastbone. Twists. Digs deeper. Adds a shadow to my heart.
I let my hand fall away, drop my gaze to the floor, take a step back, and nod. “Yeah,” I mutter. “Okay.”
Before I take another step back, he steps into me, pinches my chin between his thumb and finger, tips my head back, and shakes his head. “You misunderstand.”
My bottom lip trembles. “W-what?”
“I don’t need to let go ofyou.” He shakes his head. “Not sure that’s possible.”
I furrow my brows. “I-I don’t understand.”
His hand slides around to the nape of my neck and he drops his forehead to mine. Soft, strong fingers massage the back of my neck. “I need to let go of the past. Of the hurt someone else inflicted. The painful reminders that keep me from what I want.”
I suck in a ragged breath. “And what is it you want, Braydon?”
The answer lingers between us, thick in the air, but I won’t assume.
He presses his lips to mine for the briefest of seconds. “You.”
Vulnerability, party of one.
Can’t believe I said that. Can’t believe I opened myself up and laid my heart in her hands. May not have been a proclamation of love, but it wasn’t far off.
And love isn’t something I can do, not after last time.
The man returns from the bar with ice wrapped in a towel. “Here you go.” He lays a hand on my shoulder and squeezes. “Thanks again. Don’t usually have trouble like that. Probably an out-of-towner.”
I bite my tongue and refrain from saying I too am from out of town, but not a pushy jerk. I definitely don’t pursue a woman after she makes it known I make her uncomfortable or she’s not interested. That’s a dick move.
“No worries.” I hold up my hand and the ice towel. “Thanks for this. Not my usual style.”
He waves me off. “What can I get you to drink?”
“Uh…” Not my place to assume Alessandra is okay with me joining her.
Before I turn down his offer, Alessandra sidles up to my left and hooks my arm with hers. “He’s a pale ale kind of guy,” she tells him with a wide smile.