Page 55 of One Night Forsaken
For as long as I can remember, I have loved the city. Loved the tall buildings and go, go, go buzz in the air. Loved being near the bay and having endless activities to occupy my time. No matter which direction you head, there is a sight to see or a place to visit. There are no dull days in the city.
During my time at Washington’s Hidden Gems, I have traveled to countless cities and towns within the state. Many were small, like Lake Lavender, but not all of them held the same charm.
On my first trip here, I sensed how different this town was from others I’d visited. People were friendly in all the towns I’d explored, but Lake Lavender just felt like coming home. No one treated me like an outsider. The smiles here are genuine, as are the welcomes.
I never pictured myself as a small-town person, but the more time I spend here, the more at ease I feel.
“So, you like saucy meat on your buns, huh?”
I jump in my chair, knock the table with my knees, and twist to see Alessandra next to the table with a huge plate of food and a steaming mug of coffee. Lips bunched, she tries not to laugh at my reaction.
“What can I say? I am a man of simple pleasure.”
She places the plate in front of me, followed by the mug. “Hmm, I’m not so sure.”
To my surprise, she takes a seat across the table. I crane my neck and look inside. The long line from minutes earlier is no more. So this may be one of the few times she has a break, and she chose to have it with me. I won’t ask why she took a seat. Won’t ask if she has better things to do. Asking questions may lead to her walking away, not that I don’t deserve it.
Instead, I sip my coffee and eat my breakfast. My eyes never leave her face, and hers only leave mine to smile at or greet patrons.
“So…” she says.
“So…” I parrot.
“You returned to write?” She tilts her head toward my laptop bag.
“I did. The words are there.” I tap my temple. “But for whatever reason, I can’t seem to get them out.” My gaze drifts down the sidewalk and I lose focus. “It’s the oddest thing, not being able to give them life.”
“Does that happen often?”
I shake my head. “No. The last time it did, my ex and I had recently split. My head was a mess and I didn’t know which way was up.”
She reaches in my direction and flattens her palm on the table. “So sorry.”
“It was years ago. What’s done is done.”
“Is it too forward of me to ask what happened?”
I spear home fries on my fork then dunk them in the gravy. Shove them in my mouth and keep my eyes on the plate. Shortly after my relationship with Gabby ended, I’d been embarrassed by her rejection. Her denial of my marriage proposal ate away at me, provoking dark thoughts. Had me believing I wasn’t good enough to be in a lifelong commitment with another person.
It took many stern conversations with Dad and some time with a therapist to see the truth. That I shouldn’t be embarrassed or made to feel less than. Instead, I should be relieved. Had Gabby said yes when her heart wasn’t on the same page as mine, the acceptance could have led to years of unhappiness.
“Not at all,” I say after I swallow my bite. I lift my gaze and find solace in Alessandra’s rich cobalt blues. “Four years ago, I asked my girlfriend of six years to marry me.” I pause and take a breath. “She said no.”
Alessandra winces. “Ouch.”
“Pretty much.”
The table falls quiet. I take small bites of my breakfast, not wanting to hinder the possibility of more conversation.
“I’ve never been in a long-term relationship,” she confesses.
My entire expression scrunches to my nose as I look at her. “Seriously?”
She nods. “I don’t count the guys from high school who lasted less than a year.” She shrugs. “No one held my attention for long or exuded that forever kind of feeling. Then college happened and I was super focused on doing well. The idea for the shop came up shortly after graduating. I had so many ideas from other places I’d seen. I wanted to incorporate them all. Mags and Lena gave me the push I needed and backed me financially.” Her fingers drum the table. “Since then, life has been too busy to have a relationship.”
“Is it still too busy?” The question slips out before I stop myself.
“Yes and no.”