Page 67 of One Night Forsaken
August and I laugh before I add, “Right back atcha. Might need to catch up later.”
Before he or I get another word in, her hands are on my chest and shoving me toward the small office just off the kitchen. Laughter spills from my lips as she plops me in the guest chair. She starts shutting the door but leaves it cracked. She pokes her head out and hollers, “The order I placed, just bring it here.” August says something I don’t hear then laughs. Alessandra gives him a stern look before closing the door.
I really do love it here.
Sitting on the edge of the bed, I watch Alessandra as she gets ready for the evening. Tonight is the first time I have seen her in red. I trust it won’t be the last. The color makes her creamy skin pop. Thin straps on her shoulders give me more access to her skin. The bust hugs the curves of her breasts while the skirt flairs enough to disguise what I know to be underneath and stops just above the knee.
I sit awestruck as she leans closer to the bathroom mirror. Draws dark lines on the edge of her lids and coats her lashes with mascara. Even from my spot on the bed, the kohl makes her blues more vibrant. She swaps the mascara tube for lipstick. Cap off, she twists the end, lifts it to her mouth, and slowly paints the rouge over her supple lips.
She better bring the tube in her purse. Not sure how I’ll resist kissing it off of her.
As if hearing my thoughts, she caps the lipstick and exits the bathroom with it in her hand. Parting my legs, she steps between them and runs a hand through my hair. My eyes fall shut as I tip my head back slightly and lean into her touch.
“You look handsome.”
Her hand drifts from my hair to the line of my jaw to my chin. My arms band around her thighs and tug her closer. Press her breasts to the base of my throat. Gasp as her finger ghosts over my lips. I open my eyes and stare up at her. Stunned at how I get to call this beautiful woman mine.
“No one will look at me with you in the room.” I don’t say it to discount her compliment. I only speak the truth. And truth be told, Alessandra always outshines every woman, every person in the room.
She drops her lips to mine and hums as my hands trail up the back of her thighs. All too soon, she breaks the kiss. An audible groan crawls up my throat as my frame wilts.
“Much as I’d like to stay in, Care Bear, we should head out. Otherwise, we’ll never make it.”
Staying in sounds like the perfect night, but I would never steal her time with her friends. Plus, getting to know the people she holds close to her heart is a good idea. One day, her friends may be my friends. Or so I hope.
I release my hold on her and harrumph. “Fine.”
As she steps back, she hauls me up and off the bed. “Come on, Care Bear. Time for food and dancing.”
And just like that, I can’t wait to get her on the dance floor.
I’d been on edge before leaving the apartment. Biting the inside of my cheek as we approached the restaurant. Knee bouncing under the table the first ten minutes after we were seated. But it was all for naught. The past hour and a half with Alessandra’s friends have been wonderful. I expected an endless list of questions to be asked. To be judged on whether or not I was good enough for her. To be under serious scrutiny.
But none of that happened.
In a matter of minutes, they accepted me. Shook my hand or gave me a quick hug. Teased Alessandra about it taking forever for her to find someone. The women spilled a little of their history together while the guys joked about more recent events.
Geoff and Mags met in the fall. He says it was love at first sight. She says it was like they’d found each other after being lost for a lifetime. Either way, I love how they look at each other. How when their eyes meet, no one else exists. Their love is the kind I hid from for the past four years. The stomach-flipping, soul-quenching, can’t-get-enough love.
And somehow, in a matter of weeks, the idea of having love like that doesn’t scare me as it once did.
The others at the table—Lena, Logan, and Owen—share tidbits about themselves, but nothing too deep.
“Ready to settle the check and head upstairs?” Geoff asks the table but looks to Mags for a response.
“That a serious question?” Logan scoffs.
Mags rolls her eyes and subtly shakes her head. “Yes,” she answers Geoff then leans in and kisses him chastely.
With his booming laughter and need to insert himself in every aspect of the conversation, Logan is the most outgoing of the group. He has also made it abundantly clear when talking about different women that he prefers singledom and playing the field. I get wanting to stay single. Been there, but probably for different reasons. My urge to hookup was definitely less often than his, but I attest it to my past.
Owen is the shyest in the group. He also gets teased the most because of his innate impulse to work twelve-plus hours a day. Nothing wrong with a strong work ethic, but if I had to sit in my small office at the magazine for more hours than required, I’d lose my sanity.
Lena… I am still trying to get a read on her.
The server sidles up to the table and passes out the check holders. “As always, it’s wonderful to see everyone.”
Like a stadium wave, each chair at the table slides back once we settle our bills. Logan all but runs through the tables to take the stairs two at a time. I can’t help but laugh.