Page 20 of Shattered Sun
How can I not take his arrival in Stone Bay as a sign? This is a chance to rekindle a long-lost friendship. An opportunity to know the man he has become and share the life I’ve built here.
“I’ll happily abandon my room for dinner with you, sparkles.” My old nickname is sandpaper on his tongue.
I swallow and nod. “See you there at six?”
“Six,” he confirms, then sighs. “It’s really good seeing you.”
Inching back, I collect the check and payment for their table. “Yeah.” My pulse hammers in my chest. “Good seeing you too.”
Sittingat the counter facing the street, I stare at her in the window’s reflection. Watch as she smiles and flirts and bats her fucking lashes at some other man. A new man. Watch as he gives her lovesick puppy eyes, fumbling over his words like a fucking idiot.
I tilt my head down and slightly to the side as some kid with dark hair comes over and asks what I want to drink. I order coffee to make him leave.
If she would stop talking to the stuttering moron, she would be the one to bring me my fucking coffee, gifting me with an uninterrupted view of her curves.
I picture her close. So fucking close. Mere inches away.
Closing my eyes, I inhale deeply. Instantly, her sweet scent invades my memory. Takes me back to…
I pinch my eyes tighter. ImagineIam the person she flirts with as she toys with her hair. ImagineIam the person she pushes her tits higher for as she leans closer.
My dick swells behind my zipper and I groan as I open my eyes. I rub the heel of my palm over my cock.
The construction crew is out of their chairs and headed for the door. New man has a blinding smile stuck on his face. A smile I want to slap off.
Sheis nowhere to be seen.
Dark-haired kid comes back with the coffee and asks if I am ready to order. I shake my head.
Once I’m alone again, I twist in my seat and scan the restaurant.
“Where the fuck are you?” I mumble to myself.
Minutes pass with no sign of her. My blood boils as I curl my fingers into fists.
I unroll the silverware, the metal clanging as it hits the table. Pulling a pen from my pocket, I flatten out the napkin and uncap my pen. A few scrawled lines later, I fold the napkin, scribble her name on it, toss the napkin next to the full mug of coffee, rise from my chair, and leave the restaurant.
“Fucking bitch.”
Exiting the inn,I shove my hands in my coat pockets and trek the short distance to the pub. The breeze off the bay adds bite to the November chill and I lengthen my stride. Strung lights between lampposts glitter in the darkening sky, lighting the way. Residents pass on the sidewalk more often than cars drive by on the street.
Pausing at the intersection, I stare at the two-story brick building across the street.Dalton’son the wooden placard above the awning now glows in burnt orange. Music and the occasional roar of an excited crowd spill onto the street through the open doors.
My fingers curl into loose fists, then relax in my pockets as I take a deep breath. Checking for cars, I cross the street and head for the bar’s entrance. Each step forward tugs at the nervous energy swirling beneath my diaphragm. And despite the temperature, perspiration dampens my skin as my heart pounds a vicious rhythm in my chest.
Can’t remember the last time I was this nervous.