Page 38 of Shattered Sun
Indecision rests heavily on my shoulders as I ponder whether or not to share the news. Without a doubt, Oliver has heard the townies mumbled words about the woman in the woods. You’d have to be a hermit to be oblivious.
While some of the chatter is low-key and tight-knit, the rest is forthright and loud. Too many people in Stone Bay wear their blabber badges with pride. The second something out of the ordinary happens, the scandalmongers are on the prowl for more details, ready to tell anyone who will listen.
The whispers remind me of the game “Telephone.” A group of people sit in the same room. The first person passes on a word or phrase to the next. This continues until you reach the last person. Then, everyone hears what the last person heard to see if it’s different from the original word or phrase.
Spoiler alert… it’s never the same.
Knowing this, I do my best to ignore what people say as I wind my way through the dining room each day. I tune out everything except what I need to hear for my job.
But how much has Oliver paid attention to? Has he heardittoo?
She looks like you.
My need for control says to bottle up the information. The less who know, the better.
But my rational side says to speak up and tell my friends. Be vulnerable and shed some of the anguish the news caused. Share my thoughts after speaking with Travis and the possible emergence of old habits.
I need to tell someone. More than anything, I need the support of my friends.
Swallowing down the ball of nervous energy in my throat, I lock eyes with Oliver and sigh. “Ben overheard someone talking about the woman in the woods.” I reach for the charm on my necklace, sliding it back and forth on the chain. “Ben and Travis were arguing over my safety.”
Wrinkles mar his brow as he stares at me, confused. “Your safety?”
I release my necklace and nod as my eyes lose focus. “Yep.” Closing my eyes, I tip my head back and take a deep breath before leveling my gaze with his. “Because I look like the woman in the woods.”
His eyes widen in shock as his jaw drops.
So… this is new information to Oliver. Great.
“What the hell, K?” His fingers fist his hair as he inhales steadying breaths. Hands falling to his sides, he shakes his head. “Why didn’t you say something sooner? God… you must be freaking out.” He steps away and paces the back room.
Rooted in place, my eyes follow him. I give him time to process the revelation. Hell, I haven’t truly processed the depth of it.
Does our similar appearance mean anything? Or is it coincidence? Not as if me and the woman are the only two people with our features. We are two of millions on the planet. And until she was discovered in the woods, no one in town said they’d seen my long-lost twin moments earlier.
Oliver stops pacing and reaches for my shoulders. Holding me at arm’s length, he locks me in place with worried eyes. “Tell me you’re safe.”
Am I safe?
Travis says not to worry. That he will keep me safe. The conviction in his tone… I trust he believes as much.
But am I safe?
“Travis says I am.” I shrug. “Don’t have much else to go off of.” I wiggle out of his hold, my fingers tapping at my sides. “Can we talk about something else, please?”
He doesn’t want to drop the subject. I see as much in the narrowing of his eyes, clench of his jaw, and rigidity of his posture. The news hit him minutes ago and has his emotions in hyperdrive. I get it.
But I don’t want this to be the center of every conversation. I don’t want to be the friend or woman people look at and think,“How’s she doing? Is she scared? How can I help?”I am not some pity project that needs tending to. Good friend, upstanding citizen, and flirty woman at the restaurant are who I am.
The last thing I need or want are more sympathetic smiles. I got more than a lifetime’s worth after Dad passed.
Sending Oliver one last pleading look, his shoulders fall. I sigh and send a silentthank youto the universe.
“Fine,” he huffs out. Then the corner of his mouth tips up in a wicked smirk. “Friendsgiving is days away.”
When he doesn’t say anything further, I grow suspicious. “It is,” I say, and leave it at that.
Stepping back, he crosses his arms over his chest and cocks his head. “Travis and Ben invited?”