Page 43 of Shattered Sun
Exasperated but unwilling to give up, I expanded my search to include the state. Scoured the internet for anything remotely close to our case. Went cross-eyed as I inspected articles and horrific images. Got a fresh reality check on how off-kilter the world is outside the town’s borders.
The end result of my day-long search? Nada. My feet hadn’t left square one, but my head was drowning in sights I wish I could unsee.
Frustrated with the lack of progress, I grabbed my coat and left for the day. Drove home with the intent of vegging on the couch and watching hours of mindless television.
When I walked through the front door, Pepper was on my heels. Her excitement to see me alleviated some of my disappointment. Seeing her shifted my evening plans. I wanted to devote my attention to her. Spend time with her without distractions. Focus my energy elsewhere and clear my head.
Thoughtlessly, I abandoned my phone. With all the shit going on, I should have known better.
One selfish decision was made. All I wanted was a break. An hour. A thirty-minute run through the Emerson property. A small reprieve while I trained with Pepper in the backyard and unwound from the day. A moment to breathe and reset.
When I swiped my phone up from the table, guilt slapped me in the face. Because ignoring my phone for less than an hour today turned out to be the worst decision.
Bypassing her greeting, I dive in head first. “What’s wrong?”
Rustling echoes through the line. “I… erm…”
Kirsten is one of the most exuberant people in my world. Her smile has the ability to blind you. Her laughter embeds itself in your bones. But it’sherthat brands your soul.
And the woman on the other end of this call, she isn’tmyKirsten.
“A million horrible scenarios are running through my head, sunshine. I need you to tell me what’s going on.”
More rustling as her breathing grows more labored.
And damn, her silence sets me on edge. Has me bounding up the stairs and down the hall, yanking clothes from my dresser, and swapping my joggers and SBPD shirt for street clothes with the phone pinned between my ear and shoulder.
“Please talk to me,” I beg as I strip my shirt off and tug another over my head. Her hesitation to speak up is a hot knife slowly sinking into my soul.
“A note was on my car,” she confesses in a whisper.
A note?
Instinct coils my gut. “What kind of note?” I grab my boots from the closet and head for the living room. Dropping on the couch, I slip my feet in and lace them up.
“Travis…” My name is shaky on her tongue and it sours my stomach.
“Can I come over? Please?”
I can’t fucking do this over the phone. Listen to her shaky voice and not be able to comfort her. Our relationship may be platonic, but shesoughtme out at the station. We may only be friends, but sheneedsme right now.
And I refuse to sit idle when I have the chance to do more. When I can be there for her.
“Yes.” Voice timid, she rattles off her address.
“Be there in ten,” I promise. “I’ll text, then knock.”
The call disconnects and I shove my phone in my pocket. In a rush, I feed Pepper, then tug on my SBPD hoodie. Pocketing my wallet and swiping up my keys, I flick on the porch and foyer lights.
Out the door, I lock up, bolt to my SUV, and kick up gravel as I whip out of the driveway. Gear in drive, I smash the accelerator too hard the entire trip to her house. But it’s not until I read the house number on her mailbox, until I see her car parked in the driveway that I take my first real breath since reading Doug’s message.
Parking my SUV behind hers, I cut the engine and send a text to let her know I’m here. Soon as I hit send, I exit the car and head for the front door. As I raise my hand to knock, the door swings open just wide enough for her to fill the space. Wrapped in a blanket, she meets my gaze with a blank expression.
I should feel relief at the sight of her. Knowing she is home and safe should be a comfort.
But the dread darkening her eyes and obvious tremor in her limbs robs me of all solace. Seeing her like this—void of her natural charm, absent of her sunny disposition—rips a hole in my chest.
Shoving my emotions down, I soften my voice. “Can I?” I gesture past her, silently asking permission to come inside.