Page 55 of Shattered Sun
makupbycali@vanhoe right?! *unfollow*
bb.04check your DMs
bb.09check your DMs
bb.02check your DMs
Hands shaking, I swipe out of the app. Ignoring the other notifications, I return to the messaging app and open my chat history with Travis. My thumbs hover over the screen as I urge my trembling limbs to stop. One letter at a time, I type out a message and hit send.
Probably just trolls, but I got several unsavory comments on SM
I glance at the time stamp above the message.Today 4:34 AM
Cursing under my breath, I pray I didn’t wake him. Though he comes in for breakfast around six every morning, that doesn’t mean he is an early riser. He may be the type that gets ready in ten minutes and is out the door shortly after he rolls out of bed.
Dots dance in a bubble on the screen, and I reach for the sun and moon at the base of my throat.
Be there in 15
My thumbs fly over the screen.
You don’t have to come over
His response is instant.
Yeah, I do
I stare down at the screen until his words blur and the screen dims. When my phone locks, reality hits.
Bolting out of bed, I toss the self-defense kit items back in the paper bag and return it to the dresser. Digging through the drawers, I grab pajamas and slip them on. I dart from one side of the room to the other, tidying up my space.
I swipe the bra I wore yesterday off the bed footboard, followed by the shirt and jeans on the floor beneath it, and toss them in the laundry basket. Move to one side of the bed and straighten the bedding, then do the same on the other side. Open the nightstand drawer, grab the pump bottle of natural air freshener, and spritz the room.
Scanning the room for missed undergarments, my eyes land on the attached bathroom door. I pad across the room, flip the bathroom light on, and wince. Once my eyes adjust, I survey the vanity. “Too much to fuss over.”
As I reach for the light switch, my eyes land on my toothbrush. I cup a hand over my nose and mouth, huff out a breath, then inhale. It isn’t bad, but no one likes morning breath funk. With a hefty squirt of toothpaste, I quickly brush my teeth.
Lights flash through the blinds as I exit the bathroom. Not wanting to wake Delilah, I rush to the front door on bare feet. I unlatch the metal security guard, flip the deadbolt, and swing the door open.
Travis steps onto the porch, his golden eyes scanning the length of my body as if searching for wounds. Then, his honey irises turn fiery as they trail ever so slowly up, up, up. He licks his lips before biting the bottom one. And when his eyes finally meet mine, the heat of him sears my flesh.
I swallow and his gaze drops. The corner of his mouth twitches as he lifts a hand to my neck. With the softest caress, he brushes his knuckles down the column of my throat. Goose bumps dot my skin as he traces my necklace with a single finger, stopping when he reaches the sun charm.
“You put it on,” he whispers.
Rolling my lips between my teeth, I nod.
“Going to let me in, sunshine?”
A bumbling fool, I nod again.
Shuffling to the side, I let him in, close the door and lock the dead bolt. His warmth and presence devour the foyer as I face him. An everlasting buzz dances over my skin as I step past him and walk toward my bedroom. Quiet on his feet, Travis follows without a word. With a soft click, I close my bedroom door and lean against the wood. Inhaling deeply, I get hit with the full force of Travis’s addictive scent—fresh cotton, a hint of spice, and something distinctly him.