Page 74 of Shattered Sun
So many nights, when the blanket slips from your naked body, I trace your alabaster skin with my eyes. Jack my cock as I stare at your cunt. Lick my lips when you spread your legs while you dream.
Soon, I won’t do any from a distance. Soon, I’ll feel every inch of your skin with my bare hands. Soon, I’ll hover above you, pound your sweet cunt with my cock, and fill you with my cum.
When that day comes, when we finally get to play, I want you to wear this. My pretty little whore. I’ll bruise you and break you until the day you say you’re mine. Until you beg for more. Until all you see, all you want, all you crave is me.
Fingers curled around the note, my eyes fall shut as I fight the urge to vomit. One breath after another, the bile settles in my gut. The twisting knife, however, continues to spin and dig deeper.
“What does it say?”
The shaky desperation in her words has me opening my eyes.
“Nothing good, sunshine.” I give her a halfhearted smile and take my seat at the counter.
She worries her bottom lip between her teeth. “As bad as the last one?”
This fucker just admitted to peeping through her damn windows. To jacking off while she sleeps in the privacy of her own home. And if I show her the note, if I relay what it says, she won’t sleep at all.
I nod, flip the note upside down, and set it on the counter between me and the box. “Yeah.”
Wanting to get this stashed away before the doors unlock, I peel back the tissue paper, take a deep breath, and mentally prepare for what lies underneath.
Pink fabric brightens the ominous box as I release the tissue paper. At first glance, it appears to be a satin tank top. Maybe a dress. But as I shift it in the box, realization hits me like a brick wall.
“Is that…” Kirsten’s voice trails off as she leans closer and inspects the negligee. “Oh, god.” Skin paling, she steps back and covers her mouth. “Oh, god,” she repeats, almost inaudible.
The door between the kitchen and dining area swings open and Oliver comes into view. “Morn—” His eyes dart between me and Kirsten, then drop to the counter. “Everything alright?”
I toss the tissue paper back in place, deposit the note on top, replace the lid, and stow it in the bag. With a shake of my head, I peel off the gloves and say, “Not really.”
Oliver shifts his gaze to Kirsten a beat before he dashes to her side and wraps an arm around her shoulders. “Want to cut out? I’ll cover for you.”
She leans into his side and grips his waist. Takes comfort from one of her closest friends. Were it any man other than Oliver, I’d be around the counter, ripping him off her. But Oliver has no romantic interest in Kirsten, and he never will. From what Kirsten told me, Oliver’s had a crush on his best friend, Levi, for years.
“No,” she whispers. “But I need to sit for a few.”
Oliver drops his arm from her shoulders, steps back, and nudges his head toward the kitchen. “Go in the back so no one bothers you.” His gaze meets mine. “Sit with her?”
As if he has to ask, but I nod anyway. “Yeah, man.”
Oliver gives Kirsten’s arm a quick squeeze, then he walks toward the front door to unlock it.
I pick up the bag, toss my jacket over an arm, and down the last of my coffee. As I round the corner of the counter, I pause in front of Kirsten.
“What?” Her eyes dart between mine as she rubs the sun and moon charms on her necklace.
“Maybe we should get out of here for a few days. Shake things up.” I shrug. “Maybe it’ll draw whoever this is out.”
Wide, stormy eyes hold my stare. “I can’t just leave, Travis.” She waves a hand toward the dining area. “What about work? My bills won’t be magically paid without money.”
“We’ll figure out your bills.”
“What about Trixie?” Her chin wobbles as she blinks a few times. “I just adopted her.” Tears rim her eyes. “I can’t leave her.”
I step into her and bend my knees so we’re eye-to-eye. “Trixie comes with us. Pepper too.”