Page 94 of Shattered Sun
I need to get out of here. Now.
Fingers clawing the wall, I shuffle and search for an exit. Something other than the door to the prison. The crackle simmers in the background, like the faint sound of bacon cooking in a hot skillet a room away. I squeeze my eyes closed and keep moving forward, one step at a time.
I will get out of here.
“I’ll fuck you better than him, whore.”
The backs of my eyes sting. My breathing turns jagged.
“I’ll fuck you until you can’t walk. Until your cunt and mouth and pretty little ass only know my cock.”
I hit a corner and turn onto a different wall. Unlike the other room, this one seems empty. Just metal walls and a metal floor and nothing else.
“I’ll fuck you until you beg for nothing and no one but me.”
My palm brushes over something sharp, warm liquid coating my skin as I hiss.
“I’ll take care of you.”
Faint light illuminates the space enough to see inches in front of my face. I lift my hand to see a river of red spilling from my palm. Clutching my hand to my chest, I shuffle forward.
I hit another corner and turn, not a window or door in sight. With each step forward, with each breath I take, the seriousness of my situation becomes more real, clearer, hopeless. The door to the room I woke in comes into view and I wilt. Sliding down the wall, I hug my knees to my chest and drop my forehead to my knees.
With every last bit of strength I possess, I resist the urge to cry. I refuse to let this sicko best me.
Crackling rips through the air a beat before his voice. “Ready for some real fun, my pretty little whore?”
I shove back into the wall and push to stand.
“Time to play hide and seek,” he says, voice deep and harsh. “You hide.” Manic laughter bounces off the metal walls. “Because I can’t wait to seek.” The last word comes out as a hiss.
I move toward the door to the fake house, slipping between the crack seconds before metal slams against metal and everything goes black.
Slipping through the door,she disappears from view.
But she won’t for long.
On bare feet, I bolt for the door separating us. I slink inside and shut the door as my eyes survey the bunker. In seconds, I spot her, one hand on the wall while the other stretches out in front of her.
Just before I announced game time, I shut off the lights in the bunker. With no windows or doors to the outside world—not that that matters in the middle of the night—the soft incandescent bulbs are the only source of illumination. And without even a hint of light, she is sightless. Lost. Afraid.
But I see her plain as day.
Through the green glow of night vision goggles, I follow her every move. Watch her panic rise as she tries to escape and hide. With the rapid rise and fall of her chest, my dick swells, grows harder in my pants.
She moves to the far corner of the living room and squats, tucking her knees to her chest and making herself small. And for a moment, I simply gawk at her. Rub my throbbing dick through my pants. Inhale her sweet scent as it drifts through the room.
With quiet, slow steps, I diminish the distance between us, reach out, and caress the strands of her hair. Then I jerk back as she jolts from the touch. Eyes wide, she scrambles onto all fours and crawls across the room, moving to the opposite side of the couch.
I grant her a moment. Allow her to think she outsmarted me. Let her think I won’t find her again.
As her breathing calms, I inch closer. As her frame relaxes, I suck in a deep breath, bend at the waist, then slowly exhale near her cheek. She tips on her side, scrambling to get her legs under her, to get her feet flat on the ground to stand.
Unable to help myself, I laugh, loud and foul and monstrous.