Page 97 of Shattered Sun
“Help!” Kirsten’s voice rips through the night, laden with panic.
“Now,” I whisper-shout. “Let’s go.”
Pepper sits between the door and hatch as we descend into the unknown. One rung at a time, I go down the steel ladder. Thirteen rungs later, I hit the ground, stepping aside for Ben. Seconds later, he is at my side, shining the light around the room until he lands on a door.
Glock raised and aimed at the door, I advance with long, fluid strides. At the door, I listen for nearby movement. Uncertain of what lies on the other side, I slowly push the door open. Inch through the opening and leave enough room for Ben to enter but for us to remain flush against the door.
Both inside, Ben does a slow scan of the space with the flashlight. My eyes bulge at the view. Ben leans into my side and whispers, “This is some fucking doomsday shit.”
My thoughts exactly.
A stifled cry echoes through the room and both our heads swing right. I turn my aim in that direction and move. Light directed on the floor, Ben remains on my heels. We approach a short hall and her cries grow louder, more frantic.
Pausing, I peer over my shoulder, point to the room, the flashlight, then up as I signal us to walk into the room. An hour-long second passes before Ben nods. Attention back on the doorway, I take aim and proceed. As I pass the threshold, Ben cranks the flashlight to the brightest setting.
Shirtless and hovering inches above Kirsten, a scrawny man with dark, unkempt hair turns his head in our direction. Night vision goggles strapped to his head, his neck twitches as he regards us. Hunting knife in his fist, a sinister smile curves up the corners of his mouth as he presses the blade to her skin, drops his hips in the cradle of hers, and grinds himself against Kirsten.
Pulse deafening in my ears, my vision turns red.
I line the sick fuck up in my sight, inhale a deep breath, and squeeze the trigger on the exhale.
A violent scream rips from my lungs a beat before liquid heat coats my chest, the bed, my back. Weight suffocates me as my stalker collapses. My eyes drift shut as I try and fail to take a deep breath. Limbs tingling, panic swirls in my chest as I fight to move and make no progress. Whiskey and sweat invade my nose as I struggle to escape.
Lungs on fire, I open my eyes and will my arms and legs to move. Demand my body get out from under this demented madman. To escape his nauseating scent and skin on mine.
Light flickers and flashes as I fight against his weight. And then Travis enters my line of sight.
He shoves the man off me and I gasp, filling my lungs with stale, cool air. His hands hover over my face. I sit up and drop my gaze to my torso, taking in the red-soaked nightie. Frenetic energy swirls in my belly, beneath my breastbone as I pat the material.
“Not your blood, baby,” Travis whispers. “It’s over now. I’ve got you.”
My gaze shoots up, eyes darting between his as my chin wobbles. I open my mouth to ask if it is really over, but can’t find my voice.
Travis looks over his shoulder. I follow his line of sight and land on a pale Ben just inside the room.
“Find her clothes, please?”
Ben looks from the man on the bed to me to Travis, then nods.
When it’s just me and Travis, he frames my face with his hands, waits for me to meet his gaze, and softens his expression once I do. “Let’s get you out of this.” He tugs at the still-intact strap.
“O-okay,” I choke out.
Travis drags the material up and off my body, careful not to let the bloody fabric touch me anywhere else. I cross my arms over my chest, an endless shiver racking my body that has nothing to do with the temperature. Travis shrugs off his jacket and drapes it over my shoulders just as Ben returns with my clothes.
“I’ll just be…” I glance across the room as Ben thumbs over his shoulder and out of the room.
Rising from the edge of the bed, Travis holds out his hands and helps me up. I hand him back his jacket, then look down my body. Blood stains my bra, my abdomen, most of my panties. The backs of my eyes sting as I curl my fingers so tight my knuckles burn.
“Hey.” Travis bends his knees and meets my gaze. He cups my cheek, his thumb caressing the plump skin beneath my eye. “Let me see if the water works. We can wipe this off. Okay?”
I nod and nod and nod as tremors shoot through me, head to toe.