Page 44 of Battle Lines
“A girl,” I said with a careless shrug. “It’s inconsequential. He holds a grudge. If you want me to reach out, I can—but I doubt anyone will get far with him. His father died recently, he’s likely closing his own ranks.”
Harper looked thoughtful. “And he’s newly married. That does make a man dig in and build up his fortifications. Reach out, extend our condolences and offer any assistance.”
“Soften him up?” I suggested, and Harper nodded. “I’ll see what I can do.” They switched subjects to another client and deal. This one had to do with another company and the Marlowes.
King had the Royals spread out, pocketing interests in numerous areas. Whenever the subject swung toward the Benedicts, Harper changed it. Nothing he’d done had gotten old Leopold to even give him the time of day.
Lainey’s grandfather despised Harper. I would say it would put us in good standing, but he also despised me. He hated all of us.
Even his own daughter now that she’d become one. I could wish that he didn’t blame Andrea for the accident of her birth. I thought he wouldn’t—not after how fierce he was with Lainey.
Then again, I’d only ever assumed she was my sister. It was Mother who worried about her—she presumed too. Wanted me to look after her, keep her safe. The world was far too unkind to those who were alone, and she liked Lainey.
I liked her as well—too damn much for a sister, and then she wasn’t a sister, and Mother was dying.
Through it all, Harper and Melissa continued their damned affair. She practically lived in the house with Mother dying down the hall. The fact Lainey took time to sit and see my mother—
“Adam,” Harper’s voice cut through the memories and I focused on him. I hated him.
Hated him for how he’d ignored Lainey when I thought she was his daughter.
How he’d ignored my mother when she grew too ill to host his parties.
How he treated Andrea now.
That was all we were.
“Are you ready for a project of your own?”
I had plenty of projects. “I’m listening…”
“If he’s here,” Pretty Boy said as the car pulled down the drive toward the club. “I’m not making any promises.”
“You didn’t have to come,” I reminded him. A day of golf. Not my favorite activity. I’d rather go riding. Or shooting.
Or pretty much anything that didn’t involve a weekend at the club with everyone out to see and be seen.
Milo glanced at me. I’d dressed him in a dark blue polo and cream-colored slacks. The expression on his face when I’d laid out the outfit this morning had been adorable. The grimace, coupled with the impatient huff, had spoken volumes for his opinion.
Yet, he dressed in it and wore it well. Even with his tattoos on display, he cleaned up nicely. His hair had been brushed back from his face and he was clean-shaven. He really was a pretty boy…
The more time I spent with him, the more I found myself enjoying him.
“I don’t want you around King without me there,” Milo countered and I sighed. Then he dipped his gaze to where my legs were crossed one over the other. I’d gone with a dark blue birdie skort and a short-sleeved top in a matching color.
It was comfortable and perhaps a bit cool for the weather, but I also had a sweater I could put on. There was something to be said for having legs on display. He’d been gone longer than planned, but his search had actually taken him close to where Em’s show was performing.
I could hardly blame him for wanting to see her. He’d sent me pictures and the extra time let me smooth over the ruffled edges that Ezra had left in his wake. I hadn’t seen or heard from Ezra since he left.
Of course, there was also… “Don’t forget, I have Karagiani with me as well.” I had to introduce the pair earlier. That had been—interesting.