Page 74 of Battle Lines
“Five minutes, Mayhem,” Milo said. “If you don’t mind.”
“Of course.” She lifted her mask to herself and I shifted now.
“Allow me?” I offered and she offered me her back, head turned slightly with the mask in place.
“Thank you.”
I nodded and carefully tied the silk laces so the mask stayed in place. The silence in the room throbbed with everything they weren’t saying and all the bruises they’d already inflicted.
“I’ll watch Milo’s back.” I kept the words low so they wouldn’t carry and she turned to me briefly, the mask absolutely offering her the shield she needed, cause now her eyes gleamed.
“Thank you.” The whispered words were raw, but I only nodded and shadowed her to the door so I could scan the hall. The bodyguard she mentioned was about twenty feet away.
As soon as she was out, I closed the doors and pivoted to face the room. The other three shifted to face each other, though it seemed Reed was far more focused on Graham than on Milo. Probably smart. He wasn’t supplanting Milo, no matter what lies he told himself.
“Did you fuck her?” Reed asked, the tone shifting to far harsher than when she’d been in the room.
“Do you really care if I did?” Graham retorted in a weary voice, the words half-distorted by the swelling around his mouth.
“Yes, I fucking care.” Reed’s anger turned venomous.
“I care less about that than I do that you told her it was a mistake and made her feel like shit.” Milo didn’t pull the verbal punch. When Graham would have opened his mouth, Milo sliced his hand through the air. “I don’t care about your excuses or what bullshit you want to tell yourself. I care about her. Don’t go near her again if you plan to treat her that way.”
“Or what?” Graham legitimately had a death wish.
I could make that happen for him.
“Don’t treat her like she’s there for your convenience.” Milo took three steps toward him. “The only reason you’re still breathing—she cares. Hurt her again, and I will end you.”
Direct. To the point.
“If he doesn’t,” I supplied, reminding all three of them I was there. “I will.” Milo shifted his gaze to me. Was I serious? I raised my brows. I didn’t make promises I wouldn’t keep.
He nodded once.
Good chat.
“You’re in a mood,” Lombardi said as I tightened my lamé in place. While dressing the fencing pants, to the plastron and jacket, I’d kept my own counsel. I spared him a brief look as I finished zipping and securing the lamé. The bodywire needed to be secured in the back. I’d done his, so he moved over to attach mine.
Next came the face mask and mask wire. I ensured it was appropriately attached before securing the mask into place. You’d think after the masquerade, I’d be sick and tired of masks of all types. I was, but I needed this today. Lombardi had made time for me when I called him. I’d told Pretty Boy I needed the workout and I’d be back later in the day.
He’d only asked me to promise him I was all right before I left. I couldn’t lie to him. The night before had been savage. I’d expected it to be uncomfortable—yet the confrontation between Adam and Ezra with Milo there had been so much more brutal and bloody.
Having Phillip there to witness it had only added to the barbarity of it all. The kind of mistakes I’d been making? They were the kind that could ruin a person. The hum of conversation in the gala continued after we returned. Pretty Boy and I lingered for less than an hour before I threw in the towel. I never saw Ezra, Adam, or Bodhi return to the party.
Maybe that was a good thing.
So no, I wasn’t okay. Milo had only asked me what he could do and I told him the truth. He was doing it. He trusted me still. He wasn’t leaving. He was my ally, my friend, and my lover.
“I need this spar,” I said after I pulled on my gloves. Like me, Lombardi had pulled on his gear. I’d chosen sabres for the day. He faced me as he held up his weapon.
“Then remember the rules. You leave the emotion out of the fight.”
“I don’t know that I can today.”