Page 83 of Battle Lines
I stepped back and motioned for him to go ahead. Lainey said nothing as we went through all the steps and then I ushered her into the office and them out. Closing the door, I locked us inside and then pivoted to face her. She wasn’t looking at me so much as prowling the office.
Folding her arms this time, she made it to the conversation area that seemed far too comfortable and based on the indents on the sofa, used more than the desk. The sofa was great for naps. It would probably be good for other things, but I tabled that thought firmly. She’d made me promise.
I would keep my word.
“Have a seat,” I offered while I went to the fridge. I pulled out a glass bottle and reached for a pair of glasses from the above shelf. When I glanced at her, she was staring out the window. His office, like the concourse, faced the water.
Swallowing another sigh, I filled both glasses with cold water then carried them over to the table in front of the sofa. Rather than sit on it, I took the chair opposite. She twisted slightly to study me and then the seating before walking over to take a seat. Crossing one leg over the other, she lifted her chin and met my gaze.
“Well,” she began. “You wanted to talk to me?”
I did. But for the first time since the farcical scene in the library, relief began to flood my veins. “You’re still willing to talk to me.”
“I’ve always been willing to talk to you,” she corrected and the little reprimand was deserved, I supposed. “You aren’t always willing to listen.”
I couldn’t say that was inaccurate. “You don’t always seem willing.” Yes, that probably came out far more complaining than I meant. As it was, my face was still sore. More, my pride was smarting. Lainey’s disappointment had cut deep. Adam’s fury had been far more brutal, though.
There was a real chance I’d lost both of them. I needed to try and fix it with her, even if Adam never forgave me. If she were on my side, she might be able to persuade him. He could rarely deny her anything.
No matter what lies he told me or himself.
She raised her eyebrows. “Did you ask me in here to argue or to talk?” The absolute patience inhabiting the spaces between those words made me want to kiss her. When she was rattled, the real her came out. Anger uncovered my passionate kotyonok too. It was delightful. At the moment though, she was all poise and self-control.
“Talk,” I said with a sigh, much to my chagrin. “You said some things the other day at the gala that I feel like we should address.” And as sore as my face was, I’d been reminded of the words with each pulse of blood flowing into my bruised jaw and eye.
“We said a lot of things,” she reminded me.
“I meant about the two of us.” Belligerence swelled up. I reached for the glass of water, wishing it was a whiskey. “You said I wasn’t worth it.”
Those words had festered, burning deeper into my bones and lingering there like a scar.
The sigh that escaped her this time wasn’t promising. “Ezra, I don’t think that conversation will go well for either of us.”
“Maybe, but the other night didn’t end well at all.”
“And whose fault is that?” She raised her eyebrows at me, daring me to dispute it. “You arrived at the Masquerade spoiling for a fight.”
Had I? Maybe. I shrugged. “Sometimes, it’s the only way to get a reaction. You’re too damn controlled.”
“So, you dig at me and the people around me to what end? You can’t even say Milo’s name.”
I made a face. “I don’t need to say his name.”
“Yes, you do. You act like he’s taken something fromyoupersonally.”
“He has you.”
“I am not a possession. I don’t know why you and Adam insist on treating me like I am, and I refuse to cater to it any longer. You have both had far too much to say about my life and for far too long.” She tapped her fingers against her knee. A twitch of impatience that she squared away almost as soon as I noticed it. “I wish you two could understand how impossible you’ve made my life at times.”
“I wish you understood how often we’ve had to do everything we could to keep you safe.” The words slipped out and I refused to regret them. I’d kept Adam’s secrets for so long they’d become my own. This might be the time we finally parted ways and I didn’t examine how much damage that thought inflicted.
“I might understand better if you involved me in my own protection. For example, Karagiani.”
I frowned. “What about him?”
“You just sent him back to look after me?”
“Yes.” I nodded once. After the auction and the king’s irritation with her getting the painting she’d wanted, he was paying too much attention to her again. Adam was still out, but I wasn’t. I hadn’t forgotten the very first time he’d reminded us how easily she could be gotten to or Adam’s reaction when we’d gotten the call.