Page 11 of The Facilitator 1
We walked in, the lights were lowered and we took our seats at the edge of the firstrow.
I tuned out when Jerry started with his presentation. I’d heard, and read it, many times. In fact, I made it. My mind wandered to the previous evening. I recalled every single minute, from being in the bar to sneaking out in the early hours of that morning. I relived every breath of his on my skin, everytouch.
“Will you sit still?” Jennywhispered.
I looked at her, wide-eyed. I’d been so engrossed in my night, I’d been wriggling on myseat.
“Sorry, uncomfortable, that’sall.”
The presentation was scheduled to last about four hours; we’d timed it. Afterwards, the staff had a few hours to relax, use the gym or spa, before the evening event started at seveno’clock.
I checked my watch, Jerry was bang on time, and I smiled, knowing what was comingnext.
“So, folks, that’s about it. Bored you shitless yet?” he said from thelectern.
A ripple of laughter followed. No matter that he could jest, everyone there had the respect for him to not heckle or call out, and I was pleased aboutthat.
“I have an announcement to make. As some of you know, I’ve been in talks with various companies over the past year, looking to build our communications division abroad. I’m pleased to announce that I’ve taken on a partner, someone who has the capability to help me realise my dream. Remember, world domination and all that shit?” Another round of laughterfollowed.
“You’ll all get to meet him this evening, but I’d like to welcome MackenzieMiller.”
“Oh my God,” Jennysaid.
“Oh my God,” I said, at the exact sametime.
“He’s fucking hot,” sheadded.
I covered my mouth to quell the nausea as I watched the stranger from the previous night walk to the stage, climb the steps and shake Jerry’s hand, and then smile. I sunk a little in my chair. Although he scanned the room, his eyes didn’t settle on me. I racked my brain, had I said which company I worked for? I’d told him I was here for a conference, but there could be others. I prayed there wereothers.
“Thank you, Jerry, for that welcome,” hesaid.
“Oh, that voice,” Jennywhispered.
As Mackenzie placed his hands on the lectern and his shirtsleeves rose, I saw the scratch marks on hiswrists.
“I feel a little sick, I’m going to sneak out,” Isaid.
She looked at me. As quietly as I could, I slid from my chair. Instead of heading to the door beside me, I crept alongside the tiered seating to a door at the rear. I knew it led to a corridor that connected back to the foyer of the centre. I’d been given thetour.
When I’d exited the building, I flagged the nearest taxi and headed back to myhotel.
I knew Jerry would be mad, I’d tell him the same as I had Jenny: I genuinely, at that moment, feltill.
My heart pounded as I lay on the bed in my room. I could feel a headache coming on. I reached above me and switched off the lights. My phone beeped in the bag I’d thrown onto thebed.
“Shit,” I said, as I reached forit.
You okay?J
Sorry, migraine, give me anhour?
Okay, but call me if you need anythingx
I hated lying to him, but luckily I’d suffered with migraines in the past, it was a stress related thing. I didn’t want to even begin to imagine what my stress level was at. I groaned as I lay back down. I closed my eyes, hoping I could get an hour’s sleep, not because I was tired, but because I didn’t want tothink.
It was a knock on the bedroom door that woke me. I blinked a few times, waiting for my vision to come back into focus after I’d switched on the light. I crept to the door and looked through the spy hole, then breathed a sigh of relief that it wasn’t him. I openedit.
“You okay? You look like shit,” Jerry said as he walkedin.