Page 15 of The Facilitator 1
“No, he’s a little, what was that word I heard,scatterbrained?”
I laughed then, relaxing a little. “Yep, heis.”
“You know, I think you would be better as his second in command, or whatever he wanted you to be. From what I’ve seen so far, he really can’t function withoutyou.”
“I don’t want that, I like what I do. And I think his assistant does a good enoughjob.”
To make a point, he said, “The assistant I’m yet to meet? The assistant who is yet to introduce herself and offer to help me meet theteam?”
“Fair point. But I guess she feels she’s off dutytonight.”
“And you’renot?”
“No. I organised all of this. I have to keep a clear head to ensure it continues to run smoothly and everyone enjoysthemselves.”
I stood and smoothed down my dress. His eyes travelled from my face to my… I wasn’t going there with that train of thought. However, I was sure I heard him inhaledeeply.
“So, how do I introduceyou?”
“Mackenzie Miller, it’s my name. Or Mr. Miller when we get to your husband,” he said, with asmirk.
Oh fuck! When I’d offered to introduce him to people, it wasn’t because I wanted to spend more time with him; it was so I was working, doing something to distract myself. I hadn’t factored in coming face to face withScott.
“Let’s start with him,” he said, standing and doing up his jacketbutton.
“Get it over with, Lauren.” The friendliness had left his voice. His face had hardened alittle.
“I’m sorry, I don’tthink…”
He stepped closer to me. “Did you feelworthless, inadequate, lonelylast night?” hewhispered.
I found it hard tobreathe.
“No,” I said, cursing that my voice hadrisen.
“How did youfeel?”
“Good isn’t a feeling. I’ll ask you again, how did youfeel?”
“Then think of last night. Your pupils have dilated, Lauren. Your heartbeat has increased. You’re reliving those feelings; keep it. You look sexy as fuck in that dress, do you know what I’d like to do rightnow?”
I shook my head; my mouth haddried.
“Rip it from your body and fuck you into next week. Now, introduceme.”
He stepped away and raised one eyebrow at me. I coughed and reached for a glass of water, took a sip, picked up my clutch, and then pushed my shouldersback.
I hoped my shaking legs weren’t noticeable as I walked across the room towards a group of people. I could hear Scott laugh and watched as she whispered something in his ear. He turned to face me as Iapproached.
“Mack, it’s great to have you on board,” Scott said, reaching out his hand for ashake.
Mackenzie ignored it and looked towardsme.