Page 44 of The Facilitator 1
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Iwaiteduntil the Sunday afternoon before venturing to the shopping centre again. I’d thought it wouldn’t be as busy then, but it appeared a Sunday afternoon stroll with screaming kids around an exclusive shopping centre was all the rage. I ducked into a couple of the more upmarket stores and browsed. I’d rather spend a few hundred pounds on a dress and shoes than have to part with half to Scott. A couple of thousand pounds later, and shell shocked, I walked out with a gorgeous purple halter neck dress, matching shoes, and a newclutch.
Mackenzie had said dressy, not black tie, so I’d opted for mid-calf, which I believed would cover all bases. When I got home, I tried the dress on again. I loved the way it hugged my curves, although the front of the dress may have been considered a little raunchy. I hoped the party wasn’t going to be full of old men. There were two strips of material that extended from the waist to fasten behind my neck. Those two strips of material left enough of a gap between them to expose my stomach andchest.
I made a list and added tit tape to it. I booked hair and nail appointments for the Fridaybefore.
I willed the week to fly by and it did. Although, the closer it got to Friday, the more anxious I’d become. I hadn’t heard from Mackenzie at all. I toyed with sending him a text or even calling him. I didn’t know what his family issues were, perhaps it was something serious and he’d forgotten about the party. I decided to pack my overnight bag, just incase.
I hated just sitting around waiting, but I wasn’t going to chase him. I had to remind myself we didn’t have a relationship, and even if one was on offer, I wasn’t sure it was what I needed rightthen.
By the time it had gotten to nine o’clock that Friday evening, I’d resigned myself to the fact he had either forgotten or something major was keeping him away and unable totext.
I tried my hardest not to feel pissed off. I kept reminding myself that until I knew, I couldn’t allow the sense of disappointment to overwhelm me. I opened a bottle of wine and poured myself a glass. I decided to waste some time watching a movie and curled up on thesofa.
I was halfway through, not really watching, a shoot ‘em up film when the intercom buzzed. Not expecting anyone, which made me chuckle as Ineverexpected anyone, I was slow to respond. It buzzed for a second time. I rose and pressed the speakerbutton.
“It’s me, can you open thedoor?”
Thankfully, the intercom came with a camera. The voice was distorted and not immediately identifiable. I saw Mackenzie looking directly at the camera and I buzzed him in. I gave it a minute then opened the front door as he exited thelift.
“Hi,” I said. “You look really tired, are youokay?”
“I literally just got off a plane, came straight from theairport.”
I held the door open to allow him to walk in. “I was watching a movie,” I said, not sure he’d want to knowthat.
“Can I get you a glass ofwine?”
“That soundsbetter.”
His answers were clipped, he obviously wasn’t about to explain his silence, and it wasn’t my place to push. I poured him a glass and he followed me to the livingroom.
“I can start it again if you want,” Isaid.
“What itis?”
I gave him the title but since I hadn’t been concentrating, couldn’t tell him the plot. “I’ve seen it, carry on from where youwere.”
I curled up in the place I’d vacated and he sat beside me, but with enough of a gap to make me edgy. Something was clearlyoff.
Within a half-hour he’d drunk the glass of wine and was asleep. Jet lag must have gotten to him. I switched the movie off and gently slid from the sofa. I took off his shoes and slowly raised his legs onto the footstool. I didn’t want to disturb him, but the angle at which he had fallen asleep, meant he was going to have a stiff neck when he woke. I pulled a throw from the back of the sofa and covered him withit.
I watched him for a moment. The stubble around his chin was a little longer, and I wondered if that was simply because he’d let it grow or not taken care of himself as well as he usually did. Even in sleep, his brow furrowed as if he had the weight of the world on his shoulders. I left him sleeping and headed for mybedroom.
I pulled on a tank top and shorts and climbed into bed. Maybe I should have woken him; perhaps I should have offered him my bed. I tossed and turned to getcomfortable.
It was some hours later that I felt him join me. He slid into the bed behind me and pulled me into his chest. He curled around me without a word, and I fell back tosleep.
* * *
“Good morning,”he said when I woke. He was dressed and standing with a cup ofcoffee.
I shuffled up into a sitting position. “What time is it?” Iasked.