Page 56 of The Facilitator 1
“Are you experiencing any unusual symptoms, discharge, itchiness,bleeding?”
“Do you know where the escort came from? Were they picked up from the street, forexample?”
“No, we were in a hotel and I think it was all pre-arranged. There was a man in a suit; I didn’t connect it until now. He might have been herpimp.”
“A man in a suit probably isn’t a pimp, more hersecurity.”
“She was clean, as in washed and…you know what Imean?”
“I do. Now, Lauren, we can do screening, but it’s a little early to tell. I would recommend the first thing you do is to speak to your partner. I can book an appointment for you, it’s a simple blood and urine test, and the results can be sent directly toyou.”
I nodded my head. “I’d like thescreening.”
“I’ll book an appointment for a week’s time. If you experience anything on this list, you call.” She handed me another leaflet and a small card with a newappointment.
I left quickly, avoiding eye contact with anyone, and hailed ataxi.
* * *
“Are you okay?Jerry said you had a doctor’s appointment,” Jenny asked as I walked through to myoffice.
“He has a big mouth. Just girl stuff,” Isaid.
“Okay, they called the meeting early, I did text you. They’re starting in a fewminutes.”
“Oh, I had my phone on silent, did they saywhy?”
“No, but there is a stunning woman with Jerry rightnow.”
I frowned.Gabriella?Ithought.
“Okay, I’ll dump my bags and head onup.”
The boardroom was on the same floor as Jerry’s office. Not because he had the space but he was too lazy to walk anywhere else. I was the last to walk into the boardroom. The other heads of department were already seated and Gabriella was standing with Jerry. Both smiled over at me. I took aseat.
“Guys, you know Mackenzie bought into the business. Well, he has made me an offer I can’t refuse,” he chuckled. “Get it? He looks Italian doesn’t he?” No one laughed withhim.
“Anyway, I’ve decided to accept this offer and sellout.”
A murmur went round the office. Jerry was bombarded with questions. He held up his hands forsilence.
“I’d like to introduce Gabriella Collinsworth. She pretty much runs all Mackenzie’s operations in the U.K. She’ll explain how this is going towork.”
I watched her take command of the room. She was confident; she stood tall and made eye contact with every person in that room. She lingered a little longer onme.
“Thank you, Jerry. First I’d like to congratulate you guys. You’ve helped to build a thriving business. I know this may have come as a surprise, and I’d like to assure you this business will be left in goodhands.”
“What about our jobs?” Scott had interruptedher.
“Scott Perry, Head of Development. I’d like to know how secure our jobsare.”
“Mr. Perry. This business will merge with another of a similar nature. Whilst we try to ensure all members of staff retain their positions, I can’t guarantee you that will be the case for everyone. However…” She held up her hand to stop the immediatelychatter.
“However, if we have a duplication of positions, in the first instance we offer relocation and retraining. We don’t walk in and put people out of jobs, if we can helpit.”