Page 64 of The Facilitator 1
He smiled. “Then I’m pleased we checked that oneoff.”
He reached down for my shoulders and helped me stand; my lower legs were numb. I raised my face to the showerhead and opened my mouth, allowing it to fill with water, and then swallowedagain.
The water stopped running, he hadn’t turned a dial or pressed abutton.
“Timer,” he said as he steppedout.
He grabbed two towels, wrapped one around his waist and the other around me. For a moment, he stared at me without speaking. I got the impression he wanted to say something but heldback.
“What?” I asked as I driedmyself.
“Nothing.” He smiled at me as he walked to hisbedroom.
I followed him and that awkward after-sex moment, which should have followed long before then, occurred. I watched him dress and had no option but to pull on my own dirty ones. I towel dried my hair and scrunched it into abun.
“Would you like something to eat?” heasked.
“I think I ought to be headinghome.”
“I’ll drive you, but you’re welcome to stay fordinner.”
He’d spoken as if I was just a casual visitor, not someone who just sucked his cock and swallowed his cum. I wasconfused.
“No dinner, it’s fine. I can get a taxi if you have anumber.”
“I’ll drive, it’s noproblem.”
There was a little part of me disappointed, were we back to the game? I wasn’t sure if I wanted to playanymore.
* * *
We drove backto my apartment in near silence. When we did talk it felt forced andunnatural.
“Did you speak to Gabriella?” he asked when he pulled into the carpark.
“I did. I told her I intended to resign. She asked me to think aboutit.”
“Why would you want toresign?”
What could I say?Because of us?I wasn’t sure there was anus. I said the first thing that came into myhead.
“I don’t have that much respect from my colleagues, I think if I was in a position above them, I’d have even less. That won’t be good for yourbusiness.”
As I spoke the words I realised they weretrue.
“Then earn their respect,” he said, turning in his seat towardsme.
“Sorry? I haven’t done anything to deserve their lack of.” I was a little astounded that he could saythat.
“I don’t suppose you have. But quitting, just because a few people don’t like you, plays straight into their hands. You can earn their respect, and it will be begrudgingly, by taking that position and showing them just how capable youare.”
“What if Ifail?”
“If you think you will, you will. You can be scared of challenges your whole life, or you can face your fears and rise abovethem.”
“Is this another lesson? Another part of the game?” I said, adding achuckle.
“I’ve told you before, I don’t play games. I’m deadly serious in everything I do. Now, think about what you want from life, Lauren. Like I said earlier, instigate it. If you don’t know what you want, how can you achieveanything?”