Page 68 of The Facilitator 1
Alex spent a little time detailing what he did before our conversation was halted with the arrival of our lunch. I’d chosen a seafood salad but wasn’t expecting the large portion that was placed in front ofme.
While we ate, we engaged in small talk. Gabriella regaled us of stories from her hometown, and I was once again transported back to those days inGone With The Wind. We laughed at some of the antics of her mother. It seemed, as lunch progressed, that Gabriella and Alex were more than just work colleagues. She would tell a story of something funny that had happened and Alex was often featured in that. Either they socialised a lot, or there was a relationshipthere.
Once our meal was eaten and plates cleared, Alex orderedcoffee.
“So, do we have you on board?” heasked.
“I passed the interview then?” I replied with asmile.
“I think we will make a great team until you’re ready to take over,” hesaid.
“Can I ask; why do you want toleave?”
“Because I’ve been given an opportunity abroad that I’d like topursue.”
I didn’t press any further; although Gabriella hadn’t lost any of her composure, I did notice the very slight frown that had developed on herforehead.
“Ladies, I have to leave you. Please, stay, enjoy your coffee,” Alexsaid.
Alex stood and buttoned up his suit jacket. He was a very attractive man; his dark hair was gently peppered with flecks of grey at his temples. He held himself upright with an air of dignity, breeding, but without being condescending about it. Unlike Mackenzie, who oozed power, Alex came across as calm and serene, but when he smiled there was a twinkle in his eye, a little mischiefthere.
Gabriella and I stood; he shook my hand and gave a slight bow of his head. I watched him then place a hand on Gabriella’s shoulder and kiss her cheek. There was something intimate in thatgesture.
After we’d taken our seats, there was a moment of silence, as if Gabriella wanted to composeherself.
“So,” she said, turning towards me. “Do you think you’d work well withAlex?”
“I do, he’s very charming. I suspect he’s going to be a great loss toyou.”
“He is, and he will be.” She took a sip of her water, and I noticed the very slight shake to herhand.
“What happens now?” I asked, wanting to divert her attention away fromAlex.
“I’ll have some contracts drawn up, we’re a month or so away from merging, so plenty of time for you to go through that. There will be a loss of some staff members. Sadly, that can’t be helped. We have an overlap, especially in our development section, and the better person for the job isn’tScott.”
“I understand,” I said, but inside my stomach knotted. If he lost his job, he’d want the sale of the apartment completedquicker.
“You seem a little sad aboutthat.”
“Notsad, it’s complicated. At the end of the day, Gabriella, if he isn’t up to the job, then heisn’t.”
“Complicated in what way? Although you don’t have to tell me anything that’s personal, ofcourse.”
I sighed. It might be good to actually talk to someone aboutit.
“He wants half the equity in our apartment, half my savings and pensions. It was my money that bought the apartment, so I’m a little gutted about that, bearing in mind it was him that had an affair. If he’s out of work, he’ll push for that to be concluded quicker, Iimagine.”
“As I said, we are a couple of months away yet. He’ll be offered a leaving package, he won’t walk out without a dollar in hispocket.”
“He’s just not a nice person. He already thinks I’m suckingup.”
“Getting cosy with the new boss to secure my position,” I said, with alaugh.
“Ah, I had so many images flood my mind then.” She gave me awink.
I was grateful I’d already swallowed the sip of water I’d just taken. I think I would have spat it over the tableotherwise.