Page 71 of The Facilitator 1
He turnedoff the engine and shifted slightly in his seat. “Are you ready toplay?”
“Are you ready to fulfil the fantasy you askedfor?”
I swallowed hard, all of a sudden the air in the car had changed, it became dense,electrified.
“I’m nervous,” Isaid.
“Nervous is good, but one rule, Lauren. You do not run. If you don’t like what you see, you speak out and weleave.”
“You’re scaring me a little,” I said, with a nervouschuckle.
“Nothing to be scared of. I’ll be with you all the time. I just don’t want a repeat of that weekend. You fucking scared me, and I don’t like beingscared.”
I stared at him;I’d scared him? Before I could respond, he’d opened his car door. At that point, the man beside the front door of the house walked forward. Mackenzie walked around the car, ignoring him, and opened my door. He held out his hand to help me. Once he’d closed the door, he then handed the man, who had stood silently, his keys and his mobilephone.
“Do you have a phone?” Mackenzie askedme.
I nodded. “Can I have it?” heasked.
I took it from my bag and handed it over. I watched as he gave it to the man, who nodded before getting into Mackenzie’s car and drivingoff.
“And thatwas…?”
“Valet parking, Lauren. No phones or cameras are allowedinside.”
At first he looked at me as if he couldn’t believe I’d asked the question, then he smiled that wicked smile. His pupils had dilated, his voice lowered alittle.
He took hold of my hand and we walked up the stone steps to a large, oak front door. Before we’d reached it, it was opened by a stunning blonde woman, dressed formally in a trouser suit with her hair pulled tight in abun.
“Good evening, Mr. Miller, Miss Perry. May I escort you to thebar?”
I wanted to ask Mackenzie how she knew our names, but I was struck dumb by the opulence of the hallway we had entered. A grand oak staircase dominated the vast area and a chandelier lit the room. Wood panelling covered the lower half of the walls and the light blue paper above it, shimmered. If I touched it, I imagined it would be silk. My heels clipped across a marble floor as I followed ourhost.
We were shown into a room with sofas, a roaring fire at one end and a large oak bar at the other. It reminded me of a gentlemen’s drinking club. There were couples and small groups already seated or standing at the bar. Each smiled or offered a greeting as wepassed.
“Mr. Miller, we have your whiskey. Miss Perry, what may I get for you?” the woman asked as she stood besideus.
The barman had placed a small cut crystal glass on the bar and was pouring Mackenzie adrink.
“I’d like a wine, red, please,” I said, trying hard not to stammer and show mynerves.
“Perhaps you’d like to see a wine list?” She smiled as she spoke, putting me atease.
She handed me a menu and I was thankful to hold something to stop my hands fromshaking.
“I’ll leave you to make a decision, please let Hendrick know what you’dlike.”
I watched her walk away and chat to some of the guests before leaving theroom.
“You’ve obviously been here before,” Isaid.