Page 89 of The Facilitator 1
“They can wait,” I said. “Do you want me to leave this door open?” I placed my hand on thehandle.
“Might as well, since they fell for that bull,” he laughed; it was a sound that had my heartrace.
I shook my head and left his office. I held my head high as I walked through the gap my colleagues had created. It was like the parting of the RedSea.
* * *
Ipulled my team together,and it upset me to think, although I knew their names, I didn’t really know much else. How I conducted myself had to change. I had to be more approachable, more open, and dare I say it,friendlier.
“I have an announcement. I’m leaving you ladies. Well, I’ve been promoted, and as you know, we’re merging with a company called Trymast. I’ll be heading over there from next week. There is someone who will be replacing me, I’ll make sure you all get introduced as soon aspossible.”
“That’s great news, Lauren,” Jenny said. She appeared to be the only one enthusiastic about my newappointment.
The four ladies in the team seemed indifferent. There was no ‘congratulations’ from them, just a shrug of shoulders before they left to continue theirwork.
“What happens to us?” Jennyasked.
“From what I know, Trymast will do their best to absorb everyone into their company. It might not be in the same post, but they don’t let people go in the first instance. And we will be moving to their Canary Wharfoffices.”
She nodded and smiled. “I’m excited about it. Any hot guys overthere?”
I laughed, “I have no idea, but I’ll let you know nextweek.”
She left to fetch some coffees and, for a moment, I felt a little lost. I’d made sure all my work was up-to-date, my diary cleared, and new projects put on hold. I was both excited and terrified at the sametime.
“Did you sign the papers?” I heard. I lookedup.
Without any form of greeting, Scott walked into myoffice.
“Yes,” I said, assuming he meant the division ofassets.
“Good, because I want it all done and dusted as soon aspossible.”
He was acting as if he was the woundedparty.
“So do I,Scott.”
“I bet you do.” He took aseat.
“And thatmeans?”
“Well, you’re on the up, aren’t you? Guess you need shot of me quickas.”
I raised my eyebrows. “I needed shot of you, the minute you betrayedme.”
“We've been over that.” He fell silent for a little while. “I miss you,” he said, taking me completely bysurprise.
“I’m sure your wife-to-be would be pleased to hearthat.”
He didn’t respond, but I watched as he ran his hand through hishair.
“Do I still have a job? I mean, what with you becoming mybossand all.” He hadn’t even tried to hide the bitterness in hisvoice.
“In all the years you have worked here, a far shorter time than I have, I should add, have you ever seen me act unprofessional in any way? Unlike you, Scott, I kept my mouth shut, my head down, despite my utter humiliation, and got on with my job. You fucked up and revelled in that with your schoolboy colleagues.” My voice had started to rise. I took a deepbreath.
“You verbally abuse me, you disrespect me at every opportunity. You can’t handle a femaleboss, but all that aside.Ifyou are the best man for the job, then you’ll keep it. Providing you grow the fuckup.”
It was the first time I’d ever voiced my opinion and it felt fuckingwonderful.