Page 99 of The Facilitator 1
“All the time. I only have to think of you and I’m hard. It’s a fucking bitch when we’re atwork.”
I smiled;I turned him on that much!I wasn’t sure whether it was pride or something else that swirled around inside me, but it sure feltgood.
We walked back to the main house and he led me to the bar. He ordered two coffees and we sat for awhile.
“What happens now?” Iasked.
“We’ll return on Friday. In the meantime you need to decide exactly what else you want toexperience.”
A thought ran through my mind, one I was scared to voice. I bit down on my lowerlip.
“Tell me,” he said, quietly. “What’s going through your mind rightnow?”
I was saved from answering immediately by the appearance of Veronica. She pulled up a stool and a glass of iced water was placed alongside our coffee. I watched her inhale deeply. I hoped I was wrong, but could she smell me onhim?
“What do you think of our facilities, Lauren?” sheasked.
“I think it’s a beautiful place that allows people the freedom to express themselves in a safeenvironment.”
“I think we should use that in our brochure,” she said with alaugh.
“What were you going to say?” Mackenzieasked.
“It can wait,” Ireplied.
“Lauren, this is all new to you. Whatever you wish to experience next we need to prepare for. Let Mackenzie know inadvance.”
“We’ll be back Friday, keep the cottage for us, for the weekend,” hesaid.
I took a deep breath. “I’m not sure how well I’ll deal with the pain, I don’t know what to expect other than what I saw.I…”
I took a sip of my coffee as I composedmyself.
“You what?” Mackenzie said,gently.
“Can I watchyou?”
He didn’t respond immediately and I heard a sharp intake of breath fromVeronica.
“Explain,” hesaid.
“Can I watch what you do to Veronica?” My heart hammered in my chest as Ispoke.
“I’m not sure that’s a good idea, Lauren,” shesaid.
“Can you separate in your mind what he is doing to me is formysexual gratification and not because he wants to fuckme?”
Again that word sounded so strange in heraccent.
“Yes, I can. I’m not a jealous person, Veronica. I need to know how hard he’s going to hit me, how heperforms, if that’s even the rightword.”
Mackenzie leaned forward. He placed his hand on mythigh.