Page 21 of Monster's Good Girl
Daylight is just beginning to arrive, its rays weakened by the thick canopy of leaves above. I stand at the mouth of my nest, gazing out at the dark forest that is my realm. I am the dominant force in these woods. No human, elf, orc, or any other creature lives here without my leave. And if any of them try to touch Ariella…
I turn around as she invades my thoughts, watching the gentle rise and fall of her chest as she sleeps. Conflict blooms in my heart as I stare at her. She is mine. Nobody will touch her as long as she is mine.
But why do I feel this connection to her? I am a predator, living my life to kill and dominate, so why do I find myself sheltering this human? A new desire woke in me last night as I held her. I do not know what to make of it, but I enjoyed our fun, and I know she did as well. The warm softness of her body fills my head for a moment as I reminisce.
I must wake her now, though I’m reluctant to disturb her. I stride over to Ariella and shake her roughly. She wakes, her face shrouded in fear, but it quickly fades as she sees me. She must have been dreaming about her captivity or some other dark evil. The look on her face reminds me briefly of my own past, stirring the anger and hatred that constantly simmer in my veins.
“Come,” I say. “We must hunt and look for more elves to kill.”
A few minutes later, after Ariella has a bite to eat and a drink of spring water, we make our way out into the ominous forest. Danger seems to emanate from every leaf and branch in these woods, but I am unafraid. I am the apex predator, and this darkness belongs to me. Nobody can take what belongs to me.
I keep Ariella near me at all times as we journey into the wilderness, often keeping my hand on her arm or shoulder. I will not let her run off now. Without my protection, she will die in these woods, and I will never let that happen.
We walk under the thick canopy above in relative silence for the next hour or so. The smells of moss and dirt dominate the air here. My movements make little to no sound as we stalk between trees, though Ariella seems to crack every branch and crush every leaf in the forest as she moves. I suppose she might be considered graceful for a human, but she cannot move in the woods half so well as me.
“No signs of elves yet,” I say to Ariella as we stroll. “They don’t appear to have picked up our trail.”
“Good,” she says curtly. “I’ve had enough of these dark elves for a lifetime.”
I simply grunt in agreement, my hatred of elves burning ever brighter as they enter my thoughts. I reminisce on the taste of their blood and the feel of their bones cracking under my teeth. I will kill them all one day. I will have my revenge.
Ariella seems to almost read my thoughts. “You seem to truly hate elves. I mean, I know you’re a killer, but I’ve seen you hunt wild animals without half the ferocity you showed against those elves outside the market. Why do you hate them so?”
I look at her for a moment, wondering if I should tell her. But no. She does not need to know, and I do not wish to speak of it.
“I do hate them,” I say. “They are evil creatures and weak fighters. I will kill any elf that shows me its face, and that is all you need to know about it.”
“Very well,” says Ariella. “Everyone is entitled to their secrets.”
I stop for a moment as we approach a massive tree that must’ve fallen in the last storm. I look east and west, but the tree is blocking the only way through this stretch of woods. To the east lies a steep ravine that I doubt Ariella could navigate, and to the west, our way is blocked by a large cliff that looks out on the western side of the forest. If I were alone, I would’ve been over the tree and on my way in moments, but with Ariella things are complicated.
The tree trunk rises at least ten feet into the air, with very few branches to serve as hand or footholds. I’ll have to lift her over it, I realize. That or backtrack and go around the ravine.
“Well,” Ariella says suddenly. “What’s it going to be? Are we going over or around?” Her hands are on her hips as she speaks, and her tone of voice holds no fear or reservation. She will do whatever I say. I am in control.
The idea of being separated from her by the tree makes me slightly anxious, even if it will only be for a moment. I still fear she might try to run off, but we both know I’d catch her in moments, so I decide to go over.
“I will lift you over the tree,” I say. “I can get you up to that branch near the top of the trunk, but you will have to pull yourself over from there and slide down the other side.”
“Very well,” Ariella responds. “Let’s get on with it then.”
The lack of fear in her scent stirs my insides, but I quickly push my conflicting emotions aside to focus on the moment. I step forward and place my hands on her waist. For a moment our eyes are locked, faces mere inches apart. The feeling of my hands on her waist excites my desire for physical dominance, but her gaze elicits a new emotion in me. One I cannot fully understand. My desire to shelter and protect become overwhelming.
Her hauntingly beautiful eyes continue to bore into me as I wrestle with these unfamiliar emotions until she rocks me out of my reverie by speaking.
“Let’s go, Zyranth,” she says quietly. “We need to keep moving.” She doesn’t sound upset or smell of fear. She’s just impatient to keep moving.
“Yes,” I say. “On the count of three.”
On three, I hoist her easily into the air, holding her there for a moment as she reaches for the branch. As she grabs hold, I put my hands squarely on her backside. I want to give her a boost up the tree, but I enjoy the feel of her soft but firm ass as well. A short moment later, Ariella is firmly atop the trunk looking down at me with a strange look in her eyes. Is it playfulness I’m seeing there?
Indeed, it does seem to be playfulness, as she laughs and slides down the tree, disappearing from my view. I prepare to leap atop the trunk when the sweet sound of Ariella’s laughter suddenly turns into a horrified scream.
My instincts take over and I leap up, flipping over in the air so my hands land on the top of the trunk. As soon as my hands make contact, I launch myself forward, landing softly in front of Ariella. In the blink of an eye, I take in the growling pack of worgs that surrounds us. The five large gray beasts are spread out in a semicircle.