Page 47 of Monster's Good Girl
Ariella is indeed fighting back, and what a sight she is. I don’t have time to chide her as she takes one of the dark elves’ own weapons and spears him through the gut before swinging viciously around to take his comrade.
But it’s Everan, I see, noticing the scuffle Ariella is causing.
His eyes glow with sick delight at the sight of her, and it tears me from reason.
I don’t know how I manage to meet him so quickly, but I collide into his unprotected form, roaring with bloodlust that overflows from my core. Everan struggles to match my pace, letting me get a few swipes in that heal before they let blood.
It only encourages me to claw deeper, until I feel muscle and bone.
Another blast blinds me, and I’m torn from him by the sudden burst. “You littlesnake,” he growls, taking more ground. “Jumping from one master to the next.
“You just can’t deny your nature, can you?”
His goading is all I can sense, still blinded. I’m glad, then, that my ears are keen. We crash into one another, his fingers sending agony through me. It releases something inside of me, a deep wellspring of power that shuts down the rational part of my mind.
Violence is all that will satisfy me.
It’s the only driving force now, as I send Everan reeling backward, blood flinging between us. My teeth meet air as he vanishes. My breath is hot and every muscle is coiled to spring, so when he starts to gloat behind me, I am already on him.
The world is so clear and crisp, even his movements are slow and predictable.
I lash out at my enemy, striking three times for every spell he sets off. Most blast past me, his aim as poor as his judgment. Did he know what he awoken, when he threatened Ariella? Does he know what will happen to him now?
Defiance flashes in his silver eyes.
He will learn, comes a voice from deep inside of me.And then he will know nothing but my teeth.I shred through his clothes and flesh alike, forcing him back against the tree line. The drive to consume him becomes paramount.
I crave his flesh in my teeth and move to bite.
Again, he vanishes.
This time, though, his fleeting look is one of desperation, of an elf that knows he can’t win in a fair fight with me. That only serves to enrage me further, and I let out a ripping growl. Howdarehe deny me this victory.
His men are dispatched, and Ariella stands among their corpses, breathing hard. A bloodied spear drops from her grip, and she offers me a tentative smile.
Reason begins to return.
Have we run him back to his manor? I dread the thought, knowing we’ll have to start all over again if that is the case. I look around with frantic intent, ready to lunge on sight. There is no sign of him, and Ariella and I share a concerned glance.
But then, I sense something.
He’s breathing hard, but he hasn’t given up.
A strange sort of excitement fills me at the notion. He is hurting. He is weak. And he won’t give up because his pride won’t allow it. “Show yourself, coward!” I dare to say, searching the trees for any sign of him.
Maybe he has gone invisible in his desperate attempt at victory.
To my left, he finally appears. Preemptively, he has erected a glowing shield made of magic as he holds his side. “You cannot win, Zyranth. I am a dark elf, and you are an abomination.
“You have no right tobreathethe same air as me.”
We’ll see about that, I think with a sardonic grin, throwing myself forward and feigning a left before colliding into… a mirage that dissolves at my touch.
The fur on my back bristles as I hear a feminine cry behind me.
I whip around to find an injured Everan, wielding magic claws against Ariella’s throat. True desperation glints in his eyes. “You willnotget the better of me, monster.”