Page 3 of Once Upon a Beast
Nope, definitely not someone from around here, she decided as he approached. But who was he? Beneath the cap’s brim, dark eyes were fixed intently on her.
“Well?” he demanded.
Isaac Manning stoppeda short distance from the woman he’d seen on his surveillance footage. He was afraid to get closer, but he also needed to know that everyone was okay. Delaney had on a logo polo shirt and jean capris, both now covered in mud and burrs. Short, cropped hair was plastered to her head, which drew his attention to the bright-blue eyes assessing him. He prayed his hat and unshaven face were disguise enough to keep her from recognizing him.
After all, he hadn’t moved halfway across the country and stayed hidden for the past six months to blow it in his first interaction with someone from Bourbon Falls.
Well, firstrealinteraction. That carload of Boy Scouts hadn’t stuck around long enough for him to explain that a bat had just tried to dive-bomb him in his garage. He could only guess the rumors that exchange had caused. Even so, he couldn’t sit inside and do nothing, knowing someone had driven into his yard and could possibly be injured.
Though it’d been pouring when he first exited his vehicle, the rain now slowed to an annoying drizzle. In the improved visibility he could see that, sure enough, a little white sedan was half buried in one of the evergreen behemoths that stood sentry to his rental’s driveway. He looked from the set of glowing taillights to Delaney and tipped his chin toward the car.
“Your niece—is she hurt?”
The tension in her shoulders eased. “Thankfully, no. At least, she insists she isn’t.”
“I’m glad to hear it.”
Truly, he’d hate for anyone to be hurt. Would hate even more having police and EMS staff arriving and wanting to speak with him. The fewer visitors, the better.
“Yes, a huge relief for sure. Unfortunately, her car’s wedged in there pretty good. It’s gonna take some extra muscle to get her out.”
No surprise there, considering how far into the shrub her car now sat. His gaze shifted from the vehicle to the messy trail stretched out behind it. He had no idea how fast she’d been going, but those deep tire ruts seemed to run a country mile. On the bright side, her path of destruction had also mowed over a good chunk of the thistles on this side of his entryway.
Man, had he known how effective a slide off could be with clearing weeds, Isaac might have tried this himself a few weeks back. Landscaping hadn’t been a priority of his since relocating here. Which, as he stood here now taking it all in, was clearly evident. Would his renter’s insurance cover all of this?
“You didn’t happen to bring a tow strap along, did you?” Delaney asked.
“A tow…strap?” Surely, she had to be kidding.
“No worries.”
She started for a huge silver pickup parked by the road, where he assumed she had left her cell phone. But instead of a phone, Delaney started back with, sure enough, a worn, yellow tow strap.
“Shouldn’t we just call a tow truck?” he asked.
She snorted. “Oh, ye of little faith.”
He watched her pass, debating whether or not to insist they call someone; he had zero experience with this sort of thing. Then again, if she knew what she was doing, it would minimize the number of visitors he had tonight. Already, two was more than he was comfortable with.
“All right, Brooklyn,” she said. “Keep it in park until I say otherwise. Got it?”
“Okay, Aunt Del.”
Isaac hurried to join them, not wishing to wound Del’s ego further but also not wanting to look like an indifferent jerk. Without pause, she crawled under the backend of Brooklyn’s car to affix the first end of the strap. As she eased out from under it, Isaac reached to help her up. For a moment, she just stared at his outstretched hand. Had he accidentally offended her a second time?
Just as he began to think she wouldn’t accept the assist, she clasped his hand like they were about to arm wrestle and tried pulling herself up to a standing position. But the grass beneath them was slippery from the rain, and what started as a smooth move ended with her tumbling into his chest.
“Sorry,” Del mumbled, her cheeks flushed.
“No worries,” he mumbled back, holding on until he knew she’d found her footing. “It’s pretty slick out.”
She stalked off on a nod, unraveling the tow strap as she went.
It’s pretty slick out?He dragged a hand down the side of his face.That’s the best I could do?
Not that it really mattered if he sounded lame. Isaac wasn’t here to make friends or grow roots in the community—he was only here until it was safe to move back home. He caught up with her a moment later, taking the tow strap when offered. Then she climbed into the pickup and made a smooth three-point turn, positioning her truck on the side of the road. Nope, definitely not her first rodeo.