Page 29 of Hunter's Mission
But Hunter was calm. Like this was something he did every day. Maybe he did.
“Let's do this fast.” Hunter grabbed my wrist, pulling me to my feet. “You're first.”
“What . . . me?” I stammered. “No, take Cody first.”
“You’re first.” Hunter’s gaze was intense and unwavering.
I had no choice. I swallowed hard. “Okay.” I peered at Cody. “We’ll be okay, Cody. It’s nearly over.”
I had no idea if he heard me or if he could even see me.
Hunter strapped me to a harness and attached the cable to a hook on his vest. His touch was firm and efficient, and each adjustment was made with precision and care. He tightened the straps, wedging my body against his.
“Ready?” His hot breath brushed my ear.
“Yes,” I yelled over the thumping beat above us.
“Bring us up, Booker,” Hunter yelled into his phone.
He gripped the cable, and I squealed as we were lifted into the air. Our bodies swung wildly as we ascended and I clutched onto him, burying my face in his chest, and tried to block out the terror racing through me. Branches and leaves whizzed by as we shot skyward, and it was an eternity before we reached the helicopter.
Hunter grabbed a rail and swung us onto the metal floor. “Grab on!”
I clutched a handle on the floor, and he unclipped the cable from his vest. It fell back toward the trees below.
He unhooked me from his harness. “You good?”
“Yes. I guess. Thank you.” My voice choked with emotion and my body trembled.
His jaw clenched, and I thought he was going to yell at me. But he shook his head and leaned out of the helicopter to look down. The cable jolted and then shifted into reverse, pulling Cody and Wyatt up to the helicopter.
I shuffled back from the edge, ready to help Cody into the cabin with me.
A bullet slammed into the side of the helicopter.
“Oh, fuck. We’re taking fire.” Hunter aimed his weapon toward the trees and fired over and over.
“Cody!” I screamed.
“Get them up here,” the pilot yelled.
The helicopter lurched and swayed. The sound of gunfire was deafening. Vibrations rattled us as bullets pelted the metal skin. Hunter yelled something, but I couldn't hear him over the noise.
“Get back,” Hunter screamed in my ear, then he leaned right out the side and fired into the jungle below. Bullets whizzed past his head, but he didn’t even flinch.
Cody and Wyatt appeared in the doorway, and I scrambled forward to help as Hunter pulled them in.
The front windshield exploded inward.
“We’re hit. We’re fucking hit,” the pilot screamed.
“Get us out of here,” Hunter said as Cody sat next to me, breathing hard.
Wyatt crawled into the cabin, then rolled onto his stomach, and leaned out the side so he could fire his weapon at the ground.
“Hang on,” the pilot yelled. The helicopter shuddered as it dipped sideways.
A bullet punched through the cabin and slammed into the roof of the chopper.