Page 5 of Hunter's Mission
“Oh, Jesus.” Cody covered his mouth with his hand, trying to mask the stench from the rotting animal.
Yamania yanked the spear from the monkey’s carcass and jumped over Na-lynied’s body.
“Saia! Saia!” She lunged at us.
Yamania aimedthe spear at us. “Saia! Saia!”
Cody and I put up our hands. “Tell her we’re sorry.”
Cody translated my words.
“Tell her we will punish Neville.” I put my hands together, trying to convey how sorry I was.
We had no choice but to leave our precious berries.
I stomped away. “I can’t believe Neville’s fucking stupidity.”
The dense foliage seemed to close in around me, making it even harder to breathe.
“I’m going to kill him. He’s jeopardized everything.” I stormed through the bushes with fury coursing through my veins.
As I led the way to my laboratory using the compass, the weight of betrayal sat heavy in my chest. Neville risked everything with his reckless actions.
“All those berries gone to waste.” I clenched my fists so hard my chipped nails dug into my flesh.
Cody didn’t say anything. He hated conflict. But this wasn’t just conflict. Neville’s actions could have killed Na-lynied.
“Damn him!” I said, but my words seemed to be swallowed by the oppressive humidity.
The sun didn’t set for four more hours, yet I could barely see. As I pulled my headlamp from the side of my pack, my feet slipped out from under me, and crying out, I tumbled into a bush. “Goddammit.”
“Layla. Are you okay?” Cody reached for me.
“Yes.” Groaning like a wild boar, I wrestled myself free of the brittle shrub and grabbed his hand. “I’m just pissed off.”
“I know. But you need to be careful.”
“Don’t you think I know that?” I slapped my hands, dusting off bark and leaves.
Cody jerked back.
“Sorry.” I released a forceful huff. “I shouldn’t take it out on you. I’m furious at Neville.”
“As you should be. What are you going to do?”
I checked the mark on my compass and continued shoving through the bushes. “I’m going to give him a piece of my mind, that’s what.”
“Are you going to report him?”
I stepped over the giant log we’d straddled hours ago. “I want to, believe me, but I can’t risk his stupidity jeopardizing my research. I tell you what, though. He only gets one chance from me. Research or not, I will not risk the lives of these people or this jungle because of him.”
“I agree. I hope he listens.” Trepidation and worry laced his tone.
My fury hit a new level as I pictured Neville’s smug expression and know-it-all attitude. “Oh, he will. Trust me.”