Page 83 of Hunter's Mission
One week later
I couldn’t wipethe smile off my face as I drove Hunter’s truck back to his place. My meeting at Brighter Days Rehab Ranch had gone much better than I’d imagined, and as I pulled into Hunter’s driveway, I spotted him in the dog training arena.
He waved at me and led Pistol, the new Belgian Shepherd he was training, into his pen.
He strode toward me as I jumped out of the truck. “And . . .?” His beaming smile added more joy to my morning.
“Hannah loved my idea.”
He scooped me up and twirled me around. “I told you she would.”
“She seemed as excited about using natural remedies to help the soldiers as I am. She listened to all my ideas and said she couldn’t wait to see my work in action. I can’t believe how interested she was.”
“I can believe it. Drugs aren’t always the answer.”
He gripped my hand and as we strolled up the steps to his back deck, Luna came bounding out to us.
I scooped her into my arms. “Hello there. Have you been a good girl?”
As Luna licked the back of my hand, I glanced at the clock in the kitchen. “Wow, I didn’t realize I’d been gone so long.”
“I know. I was about to send another search party out for you.” Grinning, he plucked a champagne bottle from the fridge. “Shall we celebrate?”
“It’s a bit early . . . but okay.” I giggled.
“It’s never too early to celebrate.” He popped the cork, but when he looked at me, an element of mischief blossomed in his eyes.
“What are you up to?” I said.
“Don’t be mad at me.”
The back kitchen counter held a prepared cheese platter.
“Why? Who’s coming over?” I asked.
His brow knitted together. “Your sister.”
“Sophia? But, but how did you . . .?”
He shrugged.
“It wasn’t hard to find her and she’s so excited to see you.” He grabbed my shoulders and directed me toward the hallway. “Go get into some comfy clothes. She’ll be here any minute.”
As I strolled down the hallway, I didn’t know whether to be mad at him for organizing this behind my back or thrilled to be seeing my sister after more than a year.
Truth was, I was both. But she’s going to be really mad at me when I tell her where I’ve been.
I dressed in a Bohemian dress that I’d found at the op shop the other day and layered on a couple of beaded necklaces. It was nice to be in normal clothes again after spending eleven months in gumboots and long-sleeved shirts.
The sound of car tires popping on the gravel driveway made my heart race. I peered out the window as Hunter greeted Sophia. They gave each other a hug and were so comfortable together that I realized this meeting must have taken some planning between them.
Laughing despite my annoyance at him going behind my back, I raced up the hallway and out the front door.
“Sophia,” I called as I ran to her.
We wrapped our arms around each other.
“Layla. It’s so good to see you.”