Page 18 of Booker's Mission
“Dying’soverrated, so let’s try not to. Okay?”
“I already promised Wyatt I’d come back and tease him about how lovesick he is over Kirby, so dying isn’t an option.” He did that smoldering smile thing like in the movies. “Besides, you still owe me a date.”
Callie leaned over, dragging one finger along his chest. “Help me nail this bastard, and I’ll make you breakfast the next morning wearing nothing but your shirt.”
Had his breathing sped up? Was his heart pounding beneath her palm because of what she’d said or because of the adrenaline rush from the chase? She didn’t know, didn’t care because justimagininghe wanted more was enough to getherheart racing. Made it hard to breathe inside the Jeep. As if that broken window was sucking all the air out instead of rushing it in.
“I like bacon. Lots of bacon.”
She laughed as he rounded the bend, stopping in front of what looked like an old derelict hanger that would fall over from a strong breeze. Seeing some guy with shaggy hair and camouflage pants come marching out had her inhaling. Instinctively reaching for the gun she didn’t have — couldn’t bring without using her DEA credentials, which hadn’t been part of the plan.
Booker chuckled, opening his door before stepping out — meeting her gaze across the hood. “Easy, sweetheart. Charlie’s a bit of a lady’s man, but he’s not a threat. Besides, I have no doubt you’d easily kick his ass if needed.”
Charlie shook his head, grabbing Booker’s hand then yanking him in for a crushing bear hug once they’d reached the hanger. “God, damn, Hayes, you look as disheveled as the last time I saw you. Though, I gotta say… if this thing you’ve got going with Hank Patterson is half as profitable as I think it’s gonna be, I might actually get to retire.”
“You? Retire? I don’t see it. And I hope you gave Hank the friends and family discount, especially after that little trip I did for you last month.”
Charlie coughed, then smiled. “Or course, I gave him a discount. We’re practically brothers.”
“In other words, you haven’t sent him the final invoice and will add it on before I see the bill.”
“It’s like you know me.” He motioned to the Jeep. “Christ, you’ve had my baby less than an hour, and she’s already busted up. That might be a record, even for you.”
“Not my fault people drive aggressively here.”
“Right, so the shotgun holes?”
Booker simply grinned, placing his hand on the small of her back. “Charlie Cooper, this is Callie Jensen.”
Charlie’s eyes widened as he slid a side eye at Booker. “Thisis Special Agent Calliope Jensen? The one you flew around for over a year? Whose name you managed to bring up in almost every conversation? No wonder you didn’t want to introduce me, you selfish prick. And honey, you’re way too fine to be hanging with this jackass.”
Booker placed a hand on his chest. “You know, I’d be insulted by that remark if it wasn’t true. And before you get any wild ideas, she’s way out of your league, too.”
“Guess we’ll have to see about that. But while we’re at it, you could have told me this was for the DEA.”
“It’s not. At least, not officially. More peripherally.” Booker sighed at Charlie’s arched brow. “It’s complicated.”
“When isn’t it?” He crossed his arms over his chest. “I got those maps you asked for. You do know that part of the jungle is crawling with drug cartel and armed mercenaries, right?”
Callie snorted. “What part of the jungle isn’t?”
Charlie chuckled. “I like her. Okay, I’ve got you set up with a Hughes 500. Booker already knows all this, but in case he doesn’t share, I can tell you that this baby can take a beating and still see you safely home. Or keep you alive if you have to pack it in and roll down the side of a cliff. Though, I don’t recommend trying that last one unless it’s your only option. I’ve got a Sig and a Beretta in a lockbox in the back. Not the kind of fire power the cartel will carry, but I assume you won’t get close enough to have to worry about that, right?”
Callie held up her hands. “Observe only, of course.”
“Right. GPS doesn’t always work that well up along that ridge, which means very spotty cell coverage, too. That camera you wanted is also in the helicopter. It should meet your needs, and then some. And I put in a couple of med kits. Just in case.”
He motioned at the rain still pouring down. “You aren’t seriously going to fly in this shit, are you, Booker? Because that would be insane, even for you.”
“I’ve flown in worse.”
“When you were with Flight Concepts. Had all those high-tech toys at your disposal. Your current ride has spotty GPS, a sticky throttle, and zero integrated navigation tools other than those maps I mentioned. We’re talking old school witholdbeing the key word.”
“As long as she’s sound,”
“Sound won’t keep you flying if these downdrafts get any stronger”
Booker glanced at her, then the Jeep, looking as if he was weighing his options before he sighed. “Remember those shotgun holes? I think it’d be best if we got airborne before more assholes show up with assault rifles, this time.”