Page 44 of Booker's Mission
He stayed poised above her for minutes, hours, maybe days later. Anything seemed possible as time simply faded. The sounds outside the window the only indication the world was still spinning.
Callie was still floating when he kissed her eyelids, his gaze finding hers when she managed to blink — stare up at him. And god, he was sexier than ever. Hair tousled. A healthy flush coloring his cheeks that had nothing to do with the weather or having hiked a dozen miles through hostile territory.
He smiled, and her heart thumped. Hard. “You okay?”
She snorted, already drifting, again, when he gave her a slight shake. “Yes, fine, it’s just… God, Booker.”
Another gut-wrenching smile. “Exactly the kind of response I was hoping for. Though, if this gets any better, you might just kill me within the first week.”
“Like I said. If I’ve gotta go…” She found enough energy to tilt her head — lose herself in his mouth.
Booker tucked her hair behind her ear after he’d eased back. “I was thinking… It seems a bit pointless to argue about your reckless streak when I know it’s part of your genetic makeup.”
“It wasn’t my DNA flying that helicopter in the middle of a tropical storm, baby. You’re just as reckless.”
“Fair. So, once we’re rested, I’d rather talk about us, and how we’re going to make this work. Because I want there to be anus, and I want to make it work.”
Heat spread along her veins, and she knew she’d found the piece of her she’d been missing. “I want that, too. And who knows, Higgins might can my ass the second we land, so…”
“He’d be an idiot to fire his best agent. And I don’t want you to give up what makes you… you.”
God, she loved him.
He dipped in for another kiss. “Just promise me we won’t be like Wyatt and Kirby. Pretend we’re keeping it casual for the next several years.”
She brushed her thumb along his jaw. “Pretty sure I already killed that scenario when I told you I loved your sorry ass. And yes, I agree your ass is definitely one of your best features. So, no, Booker, I don’t want to keep it casual or play telephone tag. Let’s just get this debrief done so I know where I stand with the DEA, okay?”
“Deal. Just know this… I’m not above stealing one of the machines and hunting you down, so…”
“Good to know you’re not a stalker.”
“Nope. Just the man I hope you’re realizing you can’t live without.”
“I’ll keep that in mind. Now… are we cleaning up and going to sleep, or are you up for one more round?” She levered onto her elbows. “I bet I could give you one hell of a blowjob.”
His jaw clenched before he was lifting her in his arms — carrying her toward the bathroom. “I hope you don’t mind kneeling on the shower floor, because I plan on plastering you to the wall, after. I bet your ass feels like heaven when it cushions every thrust.”
“Bring it, flyboy. And you better have saved some stamina because I’m not taking any prisoners, either.”
“Call me crazy,Agent Jensen, but I’m fairly certain your instructions were toobserveonly. Or did I mumble?”
Booker groaned inwardly as Ted Higgins’ voice echoed through the conference room, the sharp edge to it impossible to miss. They’d managed to make it back to Montana without any major delays, even if the poor weather had followed them.
Though, why her boss had insisted on going over the evidence, again, tonight when they’d spent all morning justifying every scrap of paper, every damn photo, seemed odd. Though, he suspected it had something to do with the two asshats at his side. More DEA agents who Booker assumed had been sent out to oversee the investigation. Dispel any doubt that it wasn’t being given the highest priority.
At least, Higgins had agreed to meet at the new Brotherhood office. Maintain some separation from the rest of the DEA until the man knew the full extent of how deep Keith Rogers had been entrenched in the cartel’s undertakings. If there were more agents involved in the scheme. Which suited Booker, especially when he considered the place home court advantage. Not that Callie needed it. But it eased some of the lingering tension in his muscles. Brought his paranoia level down to DEFCON two.
Calliope leaned against the wall, her mouth pursed tight and her hands fisted at her side. She’d been antsy since they’d left the hotel back in Puerto Rico, constantly checking her six despite the fact the threat should be over. But Booker had a bad feeling she wouldn’t truly settle until Rogers had been convicted, and she could finally put the past year of her life to rest.
She glanced at him, smiled, then focused on her boss. “We tried. It just didn’t work out that way.”
“You tried? That’s your official statement?”
“It’s not like we had many options once those assholes in the car tried to kill us. After that…” She blew out a rough breath. “It was really just an exercise in damage control. A last-ditch effort to stay one step ahead.”
Higgins ran his hand over his thinning hair. “You could have had Booker fly you anywhere other than that two-bit dirt road miles from that shack.” He raised his brows. “In the middle of a storm.”