Page 8 of Kian
Kian spent most of the afternoon trying to keep his thoughts off the Terran girl.
He should have known better than to think it would work.
This is our mate,the dragon laughed, every time Kian flexed his jaw and tried to hold his breath so as not to inhale her delicate scent.
But still, he remained determined not to make a fool of himself.
She didn’t make it easy for him. Every few minutes, it seemed that she saw something that surprised or delighted her, sending her scrambling around in the sled, bumping her warm, dainty body against his.
She had clearly gotten used to the idea that he wasn’t about to respond to her stream of questions, so she had stopped asking them, or at least stopped asking so many of them. But somehow, she seemed no less communicative, even when she wasn’t speaking.
As they traveled along what passed for the road, the fields of pale green lichen melted into a flowering variety, and Kinsley gasped with joy, tilting her head back to drink in the scent.
Kian felt a corresponding jolt of pleasure just at the sight of her, and shifted in his seat, praying that she would not notice the bulge in his breeches and take it in her head to ask more questions.
Terrans could be so innocent about that kind of thing, and this one seemed especially so.
The dragon flashed up images of what her untouched flesh might look like, and Kian had to close his eyes and call on strength he didn’t know he had.
Stop that,he told the dragon, inwardly.It’s not right.
But the dragon didn’t care about right and wrong. It only cared for the woman it had decided was their mate, who was now half hanging out of the sled, her round bottom pointed at him like a target, looking at something off in the distance.
Kian had picked up a scent some time ago that told him they were approaching a herd of mammoth. The dragon’s superior senses were constantly feeding him information that might help him protect the child, and now his mate, too.
He opened his mouth to tell her what she was looking at, and then closed it again. There was no way he was going to try to start a conversation with her when she was trapped so close to him.
What if she patted his arm lightly during their chat and he lost his willpower, flipped her onto her back on the bench, and crawled under her furs to taste her, right in front of the rest of the convoy?
She might not like him handling her that way, but she would be no more able to resist accepting the pleasure than he would be able to keep from giving it to her.
No, he would hold himself as apart from her as possible in the tiny sled.
Before long, they passed under another island, and it grew dim.
She giggled in her seat beside him, the sound bright and tantalizing.
“It reminds me of when they turned the lights off at school to show holo-films,” she whispered to him. “The boy I liked sat in front of me. I used to wish he would turn around and kiss me.”
She closed her mouth quickly and looked away onto the field.
Warring emotions stormed his chest.
Part of him wanted to find this Terran boy, rip his limbs from his body, and then use them to bludgeon him to death.
And part of him just wanted to grab her and kiss her himself, and make her forget any other male had ever existed.
You could do it,the dragon whispered.It would make her light up with bliss.
The dragon was right. Kinsley wanted him too, even if she didn’t realize it fully yet. It was why the shadow had made her think of kisses.
“Oh, wow,” she said suddenly.
They were drawing closer to the herd. She had probably just spotted what was ahead of them.
“Elephants?” she guessed. “Hairy elephants?”
He almost laughed out loud.