Page 2 of Magic and Mystery
“I’m sorry to barge in on you like this,” Daniel offered.
I raised an eyebrow and quipped, “Sorry, are you? Is that why you brought backup?”
Arthur snorted a laugh while Daniel insisted, “I did try to call first.”
“And I tried to ignore you.” Arthur snorted again, while my words only drew an eye roll from my old boss. “Just get on with it, Daniel, so that I can turn you down.”
I wasn’t a stranger to his pleas; when I first retired from the force, Daniel called often, trying to get me to return, and I always declined. His requests eventually slowed down, and then disappeared. Until today. But my resolve was as strong as ever. My police days were behind me.
The Chief Constable reached into his jacket and produced a folder, which he slid onto the coffee table before me. When he said nothing, I asked, “What? No grand speech?”
Any previous time Daniel brought me a case file in hopes of luring me back to duty, he always gave a full backstory of the events. He also tried to prod my guilt with details of a grieving widow or a shattered home. So why was he silent now?
“I think that will speak for itself,” he replied, pointing to the cream-colored envelope. I doubted it. I had seen the worst of humanity (and beyond), and nothing seemed to surprise me anymore. Or so I thought. When I flipped open the jacket of the file, my stomach churned at what I saw.
It contained a photograph of a deceased male, who had tan skin and dark features. Unfortunately, I'd seen countless dead people in my time, and usually wasn't affected by the sight. But this photo disturbed me and shook me to my core.
The chest of the man had been flayed open; his shirt and flesh ripped apart so that there was a gaping, bloody hole between his pecs.
"How did he die?" I'd never seen a wound like this.
Daniel sighed. "The best the coroner could tell, he was hit with a paralysis spell, and then his heart was cut out while he was still alive."
"Good Lord," I whispered, taking in the poor departed man's face. I could actually see his last moments of fear and confusion reflected in his lifeless eyes.
But there was something else that caught my attention; the badge on his tattered clothing. I had seen ones just like it many times before. "He was an officer?"
"Detective Micah Patel, From America," Arthur replied. "He was dispatched to a burglary call. He and his partner Milan got separated as they searched the premises. After some time, his partner radioed into the station that there was nothing to be found, and that it was a false alarm. He went looking for Patel and found the poor bastard like this."
I could only imagine what that felt like. Arthur and I were very close, especially when we were on duty together. To find him in such a manner would have gutted me. Every officer knew the risk when they put on their uniform; they may not survive their shift. It was true for humans and mages alike. The main difference was that mages risked their immortal lives for the benefit of others.
"I'm sorry for his loss," I said as I shut the file, unable to look at the photo any longer. "Please send my condolences."
"You can give them yourself," Daniel suggested, and when I furrowed my eyebrows, he added, "The American Department of Magic and Justice has requested your help in finding the perpetrator who did this," while pointing to the file.
It turned my stomach to know that the culprit hadn't been caught, but I still had to answer, "I can't."
Both men scoffed and demanded, "Why?"
"Because I'm not an officer anymore, and I haven't been for years." I'd been living a quiet life in the countryside, being a codger and minding my own business. "I barely even use magic anymore besides tidying up around the cottage. I doubt I could be any help to them."
"That's shit and you know it," Arthur grumbled. "You were and are the most gifted mage the force has ever seen. We served together for over a century and you saved my arse countless times. All of your partners before me would say the same."
I couldn't deny it; I did possess great power and skill, along with knowledge of all things paranormal. It came from a long lifetime of studying and practice, and is what made me such a formidable officer. But it had also taken a toll on me. I'd seen terrible things, though none as terrible as what these men had shown me.
"The ADMJ is frustrated and desperate," Daniel added. "They've been chasing their tails for weeks trying to find this guy. You saw how vicious the crime was. You know he'll strike again. They need the help of the best officer in the business and the most gifted mage in history. They need you."