Page 24 of Magic and Mystery
I breathed deeply, taking his scent into my lungs, only stoking the fire within me. I thrust fervently, his wet flesh massaging mine until total pleasure overtook me. I moaned as my balls rolled and my cock throbbed, spilling warm seed onto my beloved.
After catching my breath, I swooped in to kiss him, our tongues lazily lapping at one another until the mess between us grew cool and tacky. When I pulled away, Milan’s satisfied smile morphed into an uneasy look.
Before I could ask what was bothering him, he stated, “This is going to be an awkward trip to the restroom.”
I chuckled at the thought of us hobbling down the hallway past fellow detectives so that we could clean ourselves up. Luckily, there was another way. “No worries, darling,” I told him before stealing one more kiss.
I climbed off of the bed and walked ungracefully as I tried not to trip over my falling trousers to grab my wand from my coat pocket. When I turned to Milan, his goofy smile was back.
I assumed he was tickled by the way I moved, but I was surprised when he repeated, “Darling,” as his grin widened. Whether he was actually thrilled over the pet name or just pure cum drunk, it didn’t matter; all I cared about was that Milan was happy.
I chuckled again and gave my wand a swish, cleaning the cum from our skin and re-latching our trousers. Milan nodded his approval and insisted, “That’s handy,” making me smile back.
After placing my wand at the bedside, I climbed beneath the sheets once more, and took Milan into my arms. We snuggled close, our foreheads nearly touching on the pillow.
I pecked his lips until they parted in a yawn, and I begrudgingly decided I should leave him alone so he could rest. I traced my hand up and down his back in a soothing pattern, and before long, my sweet Milan was asleep.
Chapter Twelve
I awoke in the middle of the night from nature’s call pressing on my bladder. I thought for a moment about waking Nigel up to accompany me down the hall since he said I wasn’t to leave his sight, but it just felt silly. I was a grown ass man and could take myself to the bathroom.
So, I very carefully eased out of bed, making sure not to wake my beloved. Just thinking the word was both strange and incredible. I never thought I would be granted such a gift, but I couldn’t have chosen a better man than Nigel.
Once I had maneuvered out of the cot, I looked down at his sleeping form and smiled. He looked so peaceful; the little lines that formed across his forehead when he was either thinking hard or annoyed were smoothed away, and a gentle smile was on his lips. I wondered what he was dreaming about, and hoped it was me.
Being away from his warm, comfortable hold, I was chilly in the open air, so I slipped my shoes onto my feet and slid my arms through the sleeves of my coat. I opened the door as slowly and quietly as possible, but when I took my first step into the hallway, it disappeared.
I whipped my head around, trying to find Nigel, the door…anything, but everything was gone. Only blackness surrounded me. Fear gripped my hammering heart as my brain searched for answers, but came up empty.
Wondering (and hoping) it was just a strange dream, I pinched my hand, grimacing at the pain and panic it caused. This was real. It felt as if I was teleporting, as I had done with Nigel, but I didn’t have the ability. What the hell is going on?
My question was answered as surroundings slowly built around me. I found myself in the middle of what appeared to be an abandoned garage or basement; cinder block walls were all around me, and a concrete floor was beneath my feet. I had teleported, but not by my own power; I was summoned.
And I knew in an instant who had brought me here when I looked into a pair of black eyes staring back at me. Foras found a way to pull me away from the protection of Nigel and the rest of the police force. His powers were obviously growing, and he used them to call me forth, so that he could finish what he started.
I quickly reached inside my jacket, but before I could grab my weapon, I was seized by a powerful force. Just like when I was in the lawyer’s office, I was frozen, completely unable to move.
Foras grinned wickedly as he stalked towards me. He appeared even more animalistic than before; the blackness of his eyes had spread into the sclera, and his teeth were sharper and longer. The darkness he’d invited in was taking over his body.