Page 2 of First Look Fiancé
“Thanks, Ella. This was all so helpful and I appreciate you taking the time for these check-ins in the morning as I get up to speed on everything that’s happening around here.”
Ella’s answering grin had a little too much relief for my liking. I knew from that moment forward things would have to change drastically around here if our brand hoped to reach its full potential. The branding experts needed a rebrand. As much as Cruella's tactics may have worked temporarily, they weren't sustainable long-term solutions.
I grabbed our empty cupcake boxes and threw them in the trash, trying to decide how to say my next thought. Ella's eyes went wide as I realized she wasn't used to "the boss" doing the cleaning up.
“This might be going out on a limb,” I started, and Ella’s attention snapped back toward me. “But, if you’re interested, would you like to talk about how we could put your skills toward something… bigger in the company?”
Ella’s hand froze in place as she reached for her coffee cup. She blinked quickly, clearly taken aback by the question. Had anyone ever told her she could have plans of her own?
I gave her a long moment, unsure if I should repeat myself, or pretend like I never said anything.
But slowly, a smile spread across Ella’s face.
"I would love that. I really enjoy working here, but it would be great to learn more about what a career path here could look like.”
“Great. Let’s set some time to talk about that within the next few days, and in the meantime, I want to pull you in on more projects.”
This really was great. It was so exciting. I was already creating a perfect bond for my working relationship with Ella. I loved the feeling it gave me to recognize and promote obvious talent. Like they said, giving is the best receiving.
Ella nodded and then frowned as she looked at her screen in response to a notification.
“It looks like Bryce called for a leadership meeting starting in…" She looked down at her watch. "… ten minutes.” Ella’s frown deepened as multiple armies of butterflies erupted in my stomach.
Bryce Taylor.
Just the thought of Bryce sent shivers down my spine. He was the owner of Raven Marketing and my role model. Hell, I'll say it. He's an icon and my idol. He had built the company from the ground up when he was just twenty-two and now Raven had just celebrated its fourteenth anniversary as a titan in the industry.
I mean, it wasn’texactlyfrom the ground up. Brycedidhave substantial help from his very – very – wealthy father, both in money and connections.
I still admired him nonetheless because he was good at his craft.
It was also possible I found him insanely attractive. It was just a little crush. Okay, maybe it was a big crush. Okay, maybe it was a heart-stopping, stammering, oh-god-I'm-going-to-pass-out kind of thing. No problem.
Alright, alright, maybe I would have given anything I had in this world to spend one night with him. To just discuss marketing ideas and business of course! OMG, who am I kidding. I would rip his clothes off and…
Shit, I'd better get my act together before I betray myself. “Do you have any idea what the meeting is about?” I tried to sound casual as I reached for my coffee cup, only to remember it was empty.
“No idea.” Ella was typing furiously on her keyboard, chime after chime indicating messages. “No one has any idea. There wasn’t an agenda attached to the meeting invitation.”
“Okay, well, I guess I should head over there now, then.” I stood up and carefully jammed my feet back into the fierce black heels. I packed my laptop back into my leather tote bag.
“Good luck,” Ella said, standing up and moving toward the door. “Kick some ass.”
I was grateful for Ella’s encouragement. It was my first meeting with the big boss and I really needed the extra confidence.
As I made my way to the executive conference room, my heart pounded with excitement. This was it – a chance to prove myself and show Bryce what I was capable of contributing to Raven. I walked toward the boardroom with my head held up high with determination and eagerness. I was ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.
When I reached the conference room, everyone was already seated at the large table, waiting for Bryce, who stormed in just after I took the last seat. His air of confidence filled the room in an invisible haze of power. His jet-black hair shimmered under the soft light like silk, reflecting every color of the rainbow. His hazel eyes pierced me, stealing all the breath from my lungs as he held my gaze for a moment. He looked away, and I was free to continue my appraisal of his perfectly trimmed beard, his full lips, and that jaw that looked like it had been chiseled from granite.
Bryce was achingly beautiful and the crush I’d developed from behind a computer screen seeing his photo was nothing compared to how I felt now that I was in his presence.
Bryce commanded all of my attention in the sharp fit of his tailored suit. I could almost feel the heat radiating from his body beneath the fabric and it was clear that he spent quite a bit of time in the gym based on how the shoulders of his jacket pulled across the broad expanse of space.
Our eyes locked again for what felt like an eternity. I don't think I was imagining the magnetic pull between us that couldn’t be broken until I reluctantly forced my eyes from his and shifted in my seat, crossing my legs under the table.
“Thank you all for joining at such late notice,” Bryce said curtly before taking his seat at the head of the table.
I forced myself to sit up a little straighter in my chair, mentally preparing myself for whatever he said next. I told myself Iwasn’thanging on his words, I was merely paying close attention… for my career, of course.