Page 6 of First Look Fiancé
“That won’t be an issue,” one of my VPs interjected smoothly before turning to me directly. "If memory serves correctly, your family has always been adept at keeping things under wraps when necessary. I think every knows the consequences of leaking secrets."
It was true; my family had long since mastered the art of deception whenever needed for business purposes, which meant all aspects were taken care of without anyone being suspicious. People who betrayed us got their just desserts. We always had a way to get rid of problems in a fair, and not criminal, fashion.
“No, you're right, that won’t be a problem,” I finally agreed. We continued to brainstorm about how to deceive people who were going to dig for more information, including anyone watching us closely before we wrapped for the day. I looked at my phone and cursed the clock.
Fuck it. I was going to miss my tee time. So, we might as well keep going.
“Reyna, I need you to stay behind so that we can have a little chat,” I said to her as everyone dispersed. I needed to have a word with my so-called fiancée.
Chapter 3
Ifyoutoldmea few hours ago that at the end of the day I’d be Bryce Taylor’s fiancée, I’d have laughed in your face and called you crazy.
I watched as everyone hurried out of the boardroom, leaving me and Bryce alone in an awkward silence. I knew that the engagement thing was fake… but it was a very real situation to me. It was something I hadn’t been expecting at all and a big part of me wished I’d just kept my mouth shut and the idea to myself. But deep down I knew the original Bryce-does-good plan wouldn’t work and would only make things worse.
Bryce’s attention was glued to his phone, and I wondered what and who he was texting. I cleared my throat to get his attention. Because just like him, I was busy too. I had things to do. And really, I wanted to be anywhere but in this room right now.
“Reyna.” Bryce put his phone away and focused all his attention on me. I expected him to continue, but he seemed just as speechless as I felt. Ididnotice his eyes not-so-subtly tracking the curves of my body. I resisted the urge to stand up straighter and let him get a good look.
“So,” he finally continued, clearing his throat. Bryce looked like he was choosing every word very carefully. “You and I probably need to come to some kind of agreement about this whole arrangement.”
“I don’t know that I can do this.” The words rushed out of me before I even knew what I was going to say.
Bryce leaned forward.
“What do you mean, you don't know if you can do this?”
I could tell that Bryce was a bit entitled. He expected people to do whatever he wanted them to do, but I wasn’t sure I’d be able to feed into that entitlement on this one.
"I mean, this isn’t what I signed up for when I took the job.” I hardened my voice, and he raised an eyebrow.
“This isn’t what you signed up for?” he asked with a chuckle. “Reyna, you work for me. Your job here at Raven Marketing will be whatever I want it to be.”
“Is that a threat?” My voice dropped low, and I saw his gaze quickly shift to my cleavage, a shot of desire darkening his hazel eyes. Was our little banter turning him on? Because it was turning me on… big time, if the hardening of my nipples under his scrutiny was any indication. Bless the person who invented padded bras.
“No, it’s not a threat. It’s a reminder. Besides, there has to be something thatyouwant. Something you want so badly that my money can buy you.”
He sounded like such a pompous asshole, and my brain was so frustrated that my body was responding with nothing but lust and desire. I clamped my thighs together as the pulse between my legs quickened and threatened to ruin all of my decision-making skills.
“You want to offer me something in return for pretending that I’m marrying you?” I couldn’t deny that my interest was piqued. I had totally overlooked this opportunity in my shock about this whole situation.
“Yep. Name it. If money can buy what you want, I’ll get it for you in return for playing this role.”
It was as if the thought was slipping past my lips before even being fully realized in my brain.
“I want my own PR company. At the end of our agreement, you will help me set it up with your connections and resources.”
Bryce leaned back in his chair, his hazel eyes narrowing at me. They were gorgeously creased around the edges. His lips pulled into a thoughtful frown.
“Straight for the throat, huh?” Bryce brought one long finger up to his five-o'clock-shadow as he appraised me.
“Well, you asked.” I stared back at him, feeling my heart race and my skin warm from this confrontation. There was something about Bryce that was setting off a fire in my blood, and I was doing all I bloody could to look nonchalant about it all. He was gorgeous, yes, but he also knew how to get what he wanted.
Slowly, Bryce’s frown turned into a light chuckle.
“And why would I agree to that, Reyna? I have a feeling you would be more competition for Raven than I’d want to allow, let alone help start.”