Page 9 of First Look Fiancé
"Hey," she said softly, walking toward me slowly. She took the club from my hand and lined up a ball. "I'm sorry for keeping you waiting." She sunk the putt, and I had to stop myself from backing her up until the hard edge of my desk bit into her thighs.
"Good job. That putter doesn't seem to work for me that easy. And, it's alright. You told me you needed time to get a lawyer's eyes on it." I forced a coolness I did not feel into my voice. But I didn’t want her to see how much power she really had over me.
She leaned the putter against the wall and walked to the chair in front of my desk. I could only gulp for air as she slowly sat down and crossed one long, lean leg over the other. My eyes couldn’t help but linger over the smooth muscles as they flexed in her calf.
I cleared my throat and took my own seat behind my desk, reminding myself that I was in charge around here. This wasmycompany. But even in my head, I felt suddenly a little light-headed. My dick was definitely feeling light-headed as it was defying gravity and trying to bust out of my pants. Dammit.
"So?" I prompted impatiently after too long without hearing any words from Reyna's mouth
"I've been thinking about your offer..." Her voice trailed off teasingly, as if she knew very well such a delay would kill me slowly. Painfully.
"And... I think we should do it." Those words washed over me like warm water, filling me with relief. My dick continued to be very excited about this news, even though I silently reminded it that it could have no part in this arrangement.
“Okay,” I said slowly, pinning Reyna with my gaze. “You’re absolutely sure about this? Because once we start, there’s really no going back.”
“Yes.” The answer was immediate and her voice was sure. Reyna never broke eye contact and didn’t expand on her answer.
Without warning, Reyna stood up from her chair and took a few slow, smooth steps toward me. My fingers ached to reach out and grab her hips that swayed beautifully in that dress.
She perched herself on the edge of my desk and the smell of berries and summer floated toward me through the air.
“There’s something else we should discuss.” A playful smile tugged on one side of Reyna’s pink lips. I would have given her anything she wanted at that moment. “What’s step one of this plan?”
If I didn’t know any better, I’d have thought she was trying to seduce me. If she was trying to seduce me… well, she had no idea what she was up against.
I lightly grazed her leg with one finger – it was barely a brush, almost an accident – but the feeling of her smooth skin under my fingertip was enough to ignite a fire inside of me.
“Have dinner with me tonight.” My eyes were fixed on her thigh. “It would be good if people start to see us out and around town as a couple before we drop the engagement news,” I added quickly. “It’ll also give us a chance to talk about more of the details.”
She smiled down at me warmly.
“Okay. We’ll have dinner tonight. I guess I’ll see you later.”
With that, she hopped down from my desk, bumping me with one gorgeous hip, and walked out of the room.
When the door shut behind her, I let out a long, slow breath. My zipper was busting at the seams and I was fully crazy for this woman already. I wanted Reyna so badly and I knew it was only a matter of time until we ended up crossing a line and breaking the one rule I had.
“Fuck the rules,” I said to no one, scrubbing a hand across my face. This situation was unprecedented.
I glanced at the clock and realized I was running late for my appointment at the jewelry store in Buckhead. If people were going to believe our story, Reyna needed an engagement ring. I figured a big diamond would also sweeten the deal for her.
Although, the more I got to know Reyna, the less I was sure that expensive jewelry would impress her. She seemed to want more than that in life.
I grabbed my phone and keys and headed out the door, barely looking at anyone as I strode to the elevator and down to the parking garage.
After spending way too much time in traffic, I walked into the store and told the salesperson what I was looking for. He brought out a tray of rings that, honestly, made my jaw drop. If I were really getting married, I’d go for something custom and unique for my bride. But time was of the essence and these were still gorgeous and close enough to perfection.
One ring caught my attention and made me think of Reyna. It was classic, beautiful, and just a little extra, like Reyna. The large, well, massive oval diamond was set in a vintage-inspired, intricately designed, yellow gold band that had diamonds winding down the edge. It was perfect.
I started to walk out of the store with the small bag, when the door chimed, revealing the worst person I could see at this moment: my mom.
Panicked, I started to just walk right past her, but no luck. My mom was faster than that.
“Bryce!” Her voice carried through the quiet, luxurious space as she pulled me into a tight hug. She was almost a foot shorter than me, so it was an impressive feat. “What are you doing here?”
I regretted every decision I’d made until this point, especially the decision to go to the same jewelry store my mom had been haunting for decades. I was willing any word in the English language, any one at all, to show up, but they were all stuck in the back of my throat as I tried to think of something to explain this away without revealing what I was truly doing here. I wasn’t ready for this conversation.