Page 22 of Plaything of His
Yes, I’ll go on a date with my client.
And like that, everything else I’ve been doubting slips away from my mind.
I nod as I smile at him, resting my head against his shoulder.
“Of course I will, Callum.”
He smiles back at me as he puts his hand above mine, wrapping his fingers around mine.
It’s official; I’m going on a date with him–my client.
I should know better than to get attached…but one date won’t hurt…will it?
“I’m going on a date.”
I drop the bomb as soon as Delilah steps into my bedroom. My sister’s eyes widen as her mouth drops open. She barely reaches me before she jumps, leaping into my arms as she hugs me fiercely.
I laugh, hugging her back briefly before pushing her away, as she makes herself comfortable on my bed.
“You’re going on a date? When the heck were you going to tell me this? Who are you going on a date with?”
Delilah manages to ramble out in one big breath.
Smiling at my little sister, I answer each of her questions.
“Yes, I’m going on a date tomorrow. And I’m telling you now since he asked me only a few hours ago.”
She looks at me curiously, her eyebrows furrowing as she takes my hand in hers.
“Benji, please don’t tell me this is someone you met in your workplace.”
My cheeks are flushed and I feel shame shoot through my veins. Looking away from her, I take a deep breath in.
She doesn’t judge me, I do this so that she and I will have a better life since our mother doesn’t care for us, but I hate it whenever she brings it up. It makes me feel low about myself, and even though a job’s a job, admitting I’m a sex worker isn’t something I’m particularly proud of.
“I’ve been seeing him for a couple of days now. Actually, it’s him who’s been seeing me, but we’ve been seeing each other. He’s a client of mine, but he’s asked me out on a date, and I’ve said yes. I need help with something to wear.”
Looking back at my sister, I spot her chewing on her bottom lip as worry shows clear on her face, but she doesn’t comment on anything. Sighing, she moves away from me as she stands up from my bed and walks over to where my clothes are.
Delilah flicks through my clothes, and even though she’s only fifteen, the girl knows her stuff. After picking out a couple of pieces, she walks back to the bed as she sits down and drops the pile of clothes beside her.
“Is he hot?” She asks so casually it makes me laugh out loud. Her eyes are on mine and with a giggle of her own, she tips her head to the side. “I’m asking all the good questions here, Benji. Now answer me, is he hot or not?”
Thoughts of Callum fill my head as I nod towards my sister.
With that answer, she begins to separate the pile into two more sections. I have no idea how she managed to do that from a simple question, but I know she knows what she’s doing, so I don’t make any comments.
“Is he older?”
I hum.
“A little bit.”
If a little bit means over a decade older, then sure. Callum’s a little older.