Page 7 of Plaything of His
Holy shit.
He’s paying me extra—a lot extra—even though he didn’t get the chance to fuck me. He barely let me touch him, but he’s leaving me with a hefty tip.
I look up to thank him, but he’s looking away from me. Shaking my head, I take this as my cue to leave the room as I turn around and begin walking.
Walking towards the door, I open it, ready to leave and prepare myself for my next client, when I turn around, just one last time, to catch a final glimpse of Callum.
He’s bent over, his peachy ass now on show, as he reaches low to grab his clothes from the floor before straightening up to get dressed.
Letting a deep breath out, I turn back around and step out from the room, shutting the door behind me. As I sink my teeth into my bottom lip, I take another look at the money in my hand and feel how heavy the weight of the notes are.
He’s tipped me hundreds. Possibly even more.
And even though it sounds so incredibly stupid, knowing that Callum wasn’t able to fuck me within the hour he paid to have me for because he was too busy touching me leaves me feeling a little dejected.
He didn’t get what he paid for, and on top of that, he tipped me for a service I wasn’t even able to offer him.
I let out a deep sigh before Imovetowards my locker to leave my tip safe there.
He’s a client, that’s all he is.
But he wasn’t a pump, cum, and dump type of client.
He’s different.
That’s for certain.
If it hadn’t been for my best friend, I don’t know how I would have coped with being a single father to my beautiful baby girl.
She was only three when her mother had walked out on us, and even though it wasn’t entirely my fault, I couldn’t help but blame myself for her decision.
I was the one who wasn’t performing my marital duties towards my wife. Sure, we’d have sex once in a while, but it wasn’t the kind a wife would have expected from her husband. I tried, I really did, but it was hard being with her like that, so I would always have to prepare myself both mentallyandphysically before getting into bed with my wife.
Serena had always tried to keep me satisfied and pleased, and since she found herself stuck in a loveless marriage with me, it was no shock to find out that she had been receiving love from someone else.
He was an ex-lover of hers, and I later found out that they had a baby together, a few years prior to our marriage.
She left us for a man who loved her and a son who had no idea she existed.
She left us–left our daughter–in hopes of creating a better life for herself.
And she succeeded in doing that. Until she couldn’t any longer.
She left my baby for hers, and in return, her life was slowly falling apart.
I had no parents to lean on. I had no siblings to offer me their support.
Most of the people in our town were pushing me to remarry, so I would have a wife, and my daughter would have a mother, but how could I? I didn’t want to put another woman through what I had put Serena through, and there was no way I would have another child only to leave them motherless.
So, with the support of Brandon Torres–a friend of my late father and a man I grew to respect well– we came up with a plan. We hustled, worked incredibly hard, and we managed to get to where we are today.
And now I stand as Lucas Callum Clark.
A name that’s known in our town of Harlington, and a name that’s respected. It took years to reach this point, but I managed to achieve it and I’m here to stay.